Why join AAN? View some of the AAN Membership Benefits here
The Association of Alternative Newsmedia (AAN) welcomes new members. Since all publications do not fit the mold, AAN thoroughly screens applicants for membership. The screening is done according to criteria spelled out in the AAN bylaws and according to alternative-journalism standards maintained by consensus.
AAN maintains a rigorous process to determine whether applying publications meet those standards. Although news outlets are admitted to AAN by the membership as a whole, the job of evaluating applications falls to the Membership Committee, which makes non-binding recommendations -- for or against admission -- to the membership.
This annual process begins when applications are submitted, and ends on the final day of the annual convention, when existing regular members vote on each application.
If you have any questions about membership, please contact us at
The 2016 AAN Membership Application is now available.
Publications that have a niche market, such as GLBT-only, ethnic or arts/entertainment vehicles would be able to apply for affiliate membership under the same application process required for regular membership.
Publications that apply for regular membership and are otherwise qualified, but the Membership Committee holds concerns regarding the applicant's eligibility may be offered an affiliate membership at the recommendation of the Membership Committee and by vote of the General Membership. Affiliate members have the opportunity to reapply for regular membership at a later date or remain permanently as an affiliate member.
Any publishing company publishing more than one publication shall be entitled to multiple Affiliate memberships, provided that: separate annual membership dues are paid by each publication; that each publication submits a separate membership application; and that each publication satisfies the membership criteria as set forth in the bylaws.
Apply for Associate Membership online here.
AAN welcomes cartoonists, columnists and start-up organizations to become associate members also. For $250 in annual dues, you may enjoy the following benefits:
To become an associate member of AAN or to learn more about benefits and resources, please contact us at
2015 AAN Regular Member Dues
Affiliate Member Dues: $500 annually
Associate Member Dues: $500 annually
The Association of Alternative Newsmedia (AAN) welcomes new members. Since all publications do not fit the mold, AAN thoroughly screens applicants for membership. The screening is done according to criteria spelled out in the AAN bylaws and according to alternative-journalism standards maintained by consensus.
AAN maintains a rigorous process to determine whether applying publications meet those standards. Although news outlets are admitted to AAN by the membership as a whole, the job of evaluating applications falls to the Membership Committee, which makes non-binding recommendations -- for or against admission -- to the membership.
This annual process begins when applications are submitted, and ends on the final day of the annual convention, when existing regular members vote on each application.
If you have any questions about membership, please contact us at
The 2016 AAN Membership Application is now available.
Regular Membership
Regular membership of the association shall consist of general interest alternative publications, defined as printed newspapers and online news outlets, with each publication being entitled to one such membership. Any publishing company publishing more than one publication shall be entitled to multiple regular memberships, provided that: separate annual membership dues are paid by each publication; that each publication submits a separate membership application; and that each publication satisfies the membership criteria set forth in the bylaws.Affiliate Membership
Two types of publications are eligible for affiliate membership.Publications that have a niche market, such as GLBT-only, ethnic or arts/entertainment vehicles would be able to apply for affiliate membership under the same application process required for regular membership.
Publications that apply for regular membership and are otherwise qualified, but the Membership Committee holds concerns regarding the applicant's eligibility may be offered an affiliate membership at the recommendation of the Membership Committee and by vote of the General Membership. Affiliate members have the opportunity to reapply for regular membership at a later date or remain permanently as an affiliate member.
Any publishing company publishing more than one publication shall be entitled to multiple Affiliate memberships, provided that: separate annual membership dues are paid by each publication; that each publication submits a separate membership application; and that each publication satisfies the membership criteria as set forth in the bylaws.
Associate Membership
Associate members are an essential part of AAN. Any company that supplies goods or services to the alternative newsmedia or the alternative newsmedia industry is eligible to apply for membership. Our program allows you to reach the decision makers in the alternative media industry in a variety of ways, and for an extremely low rate. For only $500, AAN associate members enjoy the following amenities:- Announcement to AAN members about you as soon as you join the program
- Advance knowledge and sponsorship opportunity for AAN events
- Access to member lists
- Access to AAN website's members only areas
- Press release and editorial distribution
- Webinars for members to introduce products and services
- Preferred pricing for AAN conferences and events
- Preferred placement and pricing for exhibition at AAN events
- Linked information on a directory page, with logos and other assets as desired
- Inclusion in a service directory sent to members
- Discounted advertising rates
- Three emails per year to members to inform and market new or existing services and products
AAN welcomes cartoonists, columnists and start-up organizations to become associate members also. For $250 in annual dues, you may enjoy the following benefits:
- Announcement to AAN members about you as soon as you join the program
- Access to member lists
- Access to AAN website's members only areas
- Press release and editorial distribution
- Preferred pricing for AAN conferences and events
- Preferred placement and pricing for exhibition at AAN events
- Linked information on a directory page, with logos and other assets as desired
- Inclusion in a service directory sent to members
- Discounted advertising rates
- One email per year to members to inform and market new or existing services and products
To become an associate member of AAN or to learn more about benefits and resources, please contact us at
Annual Member Dues
Dues for regular membership are billed annually and are payable at the beginning of each calendar year. Dues amounts are based on the member's annual revenue as reported by its publisher. Accounts over 30 days past due are subject to interest charges. Failure to pay dues on time may result in restricted access to member services such as the AAN Awards, listservs, and/or any conference registration discounts.2015 AAN Regular Member Dues
Annual Revenue | Dues |
$0-2 Million | $884 | $2-3 Million | $1,145 | $3-4 Million | $1,407 | $4-6 Million | $1,668 | $6-8 Million | $2,191 | $8 Million + | $2,975 |
Affiliate Member Dues: $500 annually
Associate Member Dues: $500 annually