Media Services Assists with Five AAN Hires in 2004

december 7, 2004  10:35 am
Media Services would like to congratulate the Association of Alternative Newsweeklies member papers that have made successful hires through Media Services LLC in 2004.

Worcester Magazine – Judith Lepre, Associate Publisher
Columbia Free Times - Eric Hancock, Publisher
San Antonio Current - Anthony Vizzone, Classified Sales Manager


AAN Corporate Member, Worcester Publishing Ltd.
Worcester Business Journal – Andreea Purcaru, Senior Accounts Manager
Mainebiz– Tanya Falcone, Accounts manager

Media Services, LLC is a full-service recruiting company that specializes in placing sales and management personnel in non-daily media properties.

Media Services takes special pride in working with AAN papers, uniting unique, quality individuals with positions that fit. This is accomplished by putting individualized attention into every client and in many cases, having access to the most highly sought after individuals in the industry.

"After working within the alternative press for many years, it's a matter of professional pride on my part to focus my attention in this industry I respect so much, and help both papers and individuals find new success," says Media Services president and founder Benjamin.

Benjamin may be contacted at, (504) 309-3233 or through