Man Issues Press Release Refuting Creative Loafing Article -- From 2004

july 21, 2006  02:03 pm
Don Boys chose an unusual method to complain about his portrayal in a Creative Loafing cover story: He waited two years, then issued a 1,400-word press release. The focus of his ire is "America the Theocracy" by John F. Sugg, which was published in Atlanta's Creative Loafing on Mar. 25, 2004. According to Boys, the piece suggests he is "a spokesman for Christian Reconstructionism," when he is not part of the movement. In fact, Suggs' feature-length article only mentions Boys in a few paragraphs, but it does include the following quote: "Denying that he's a Reconstructionist ('They're mostly Presbyterians,' he says), Boys nonetheless told me last fall, 'I agree with just about all they say.'" Sugg tells AAN News that Boys did contact him by telephone about a year ago to ask for a retraction, but Sugg has not heard from him since.