Jim Mullin Takes Professional Timeout
By AAN Staff
february 28, 2006 12:39 pm
Having endured intense criticism twice in the past six months after publishing controversial stories that sent some readers into fits of rage, the former Miami New Times editor tells the Miami Herald, "I certainly am devoted to journalism, but maybe it would be a good idea to give it a rest for a little while." Nevertheless, Mullin defends "Meth Made Easy," which included a recipe for methamphetamine and caused an uproar when it ran in the San Luis Obispo New Times earlier this month. Mullin says he knew he'd get heat for publishing the recipe, but he still thinks it served two good purposes: It let readers know about the "really awful stuff" that's in meth, and it grabbed people's attention, which kept it "from suffering the fate of so many meth articles -- they don't get read."