Independent Weekly Wins 17 National, Regional and State Awards

july 1, 2005  01:41 pm
Independent Weekly Wins 17 National, Regional and State Awards
DURHAM, N.C. -- June 30, 2005 -- The Independent Weekly continued its tradition of award-winning journalism over the past year, winning 17 national, regional and state awards.

Congratulations to the winners and the entire Indy staff, and thanks to the readers and advertisers who make it possible for us to continue to bring to the Triangle hard-hitting investigative reporting, great feature writing and insightful coverage of music, film and the arts.

It's what has made us The Triangle's Award-Winning, Locally Owned Weekly for 22 years.

And the winners are:

Association of Alternative Newsweeklies Awards

Godfrey Cheshire, film writer
First Place, Arts Criticism

Melinda Ruley, columnist
Third Place, Columns

Grayson Currin, calendar editor; Liz Holm, art director; Kelly Lojk, editorial designer; Kirk Ross, managing editor; York Wilson, staff photographer; and Byron Woods, theater and dance writer
Third Place, Special Section, "Annual Manual"

Fiona Morgan, staff writer
Honorable Mention, Media Reporting.

Sylvia Pfeiffenberger, music columnist
Honorable Mention, Music Criticism

Jennifer Strom, staff writer
Honorable Mention, News Story/Long Form, "The Companies He Keeps"

Association of Food Journalists Awards

(Finalists; rankings have not yet been announced.)

Besha Rodell, food writer
Best Food News Reporting, "Black Gold"

Arturo Ciompi, wine writer
Best Food Column

Society of Professional Journalists' Green Eyeshade Awards

Jon Elliston, contributing writer
Barbara Solow, staff writer
Second Place, Investigative Reporting, "Disaster in the Making"

North Carolina Bar Association's Media and the Law Awards

Fiona Morgan, staff writer
First Place, "Copywrong"

North Carolina Press Association Awards

The Independent Staff
First Place, Appearance and Design

York Wilson, staff photographer
First Place, Photo Illustration, "Copywrong"

Fiona Morgan, staff writer
Second Place, Feature Writing, "Paper Mommies and Friendly Lawsuits"

The Independent Staff
Second place, Use of Photographs:

Lissa Gotwals, staff photographer
Third Place, Feature Photography, "Fashion 2004"

Kirk Ross, managing editor
Third Place, Editorials

Barbara Solow, staff writer, and Cat Warren, contributing writer
Third Place, News Enterprise, "Academia Under Siege"