Former City Pages Editor to Launch 'Web-only Local Publication'

august 22, 2007  08:31 am
Former City Pages Editor to Launch 'Web-only Local Publication'
Steve Perry, who left the paper earlier this year, tells the Minnesota Monitor that his new project is "a professional journalism site, but it's just as importantly conceived to be a community-and-conversations site." Though he won't reveal the site's name yet, it's set to launch in October or November. He says he's pulling inspiration from sites as diverse as The Stranger's, the Gothamist chain of city sites, and the Gawker Media sites. "I love the idea of building a forum that wantonly blurs the lines between 'professional' and 'amateur' voices wherever appropriate," Perry says. "After we started blogging extensively at City Pages, I was struck by how much I learned from the comments and correspondence it generated."