Deadline Approaching for SPJ's Sigma Delta Chi Awards Competition

january 28, 2008  01:36 pm
Jan. 28, 2008
For Immediate Release

Heather Porter
Programs Coordinator
(317) 927-8000, ext. 204
hporter (at)

Beth King
Communications Manager
(317) 927-8000, ext. 211
bking (at)

INDIANAPOLIS -- The postmark deadline for the Society of Professional Journalists' annual Sigma Delta Chi Awards is Wednesday, February 6, 2008. The awards honor excellence in professional journalism in 48 categories, covering print, radio, television, newsletters, photography, online and research. The Sigma Delta Chi Awards date back to 1932, when the Society honored six individuals for contributions to journalism. The current program began in 1939, when the organization awarded the first Distinguished Service Awards. These awards later became the Sigma Delta Chi Awards. To be eligible, work must have been published or broadcast during the 2007 calendar year. All entries must be in English or provide English translations and be postmarked by Feb. 6, 2008. Each submission must include a completed entry form, entry fee and be accompanied by a cover letter. Members of SPJ are eligible to enter the Sigma Delta Chi Awards for $60. The non-member fee is $100.

For more information on the Sigma Delta Chi Awards and to obtain an entry form, please visit the Sigma Delta Chi Awards page.

The Society of Professional Journalists works to improve and protect journalism. SPJ is dedicated to encouraging the free practice of journalism and stimulating high standards of ethical behavior. Founded in 1909 as Sigma Delta Chi, and based in Indianapolis, SPJ promotes the free flow of information vital to a well-informed public, works to inspire and educate the next generation of journalists, and protects First Amendment guarantees of freedom of speech and press. For more information about SPJ and SDX, please visit