Sponsored post by Associate Member Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism
Join us on Sat. March 28, 2015 in New York City. This event is an opportunity to meet talented journalists for your newsrooms.
Alternative weeklies have been the medium of choice for our strongest narrative writers for years. Our students have gotten the memo that the alts are where they’ll get the best possible training and editing to practice longform journalism that has impact and style. With the guidance of an award-winning magazine faculty, Columbia students work hard to produce deeply reported narratives with strong scenes, compelling characters and thorough sourcing that they’d be happy to show you.
Some of our recent graduates include:
Terrence McCoy. Terry’s graduate thesis on an unlikely rebel in Cambodia was a Livingston Award finalist. An alum of the Houston Press and the Miami New Times, Terry is a foreign affairs reporter at The Washington Post.
Casey Lyons. Casey was a Voice Media fellow at The Pitch. Now a senior editor at Backpacker, he edited “The Complete Guide to Fire,” a current National Magazine Award finalist in the leisure interests category.
Anna Merlan, whose spring magazine workshop story on mentally ill adults made the cover of The Village Voice, got her start at the Dallas Observer followed by The Village Voice. She was recently hired at Jezebel.
Albert Samaha, formerly of the Riverfront Times, SF Weekly and The Village Voice, is now BuzzFeed’s criminal justice reporter.
In addition to learning and practicing Columbia’s bedrock values in reporting, writing, and journalistic ethics, all of our students receive training in basic multimedia, social media and audience & engagement. Increasingly, they’re learning how to code and glean stories from numbers. A small cohort learns sophisticated investigative reporting techniques. Our Master of Arts students delve deeply into their academic subjects in politics, arts & culture, science/health or business & economics reporting.
Our students are diverse: About 25 percent of the current class self-identifies as African-American, Latino or Asian-American, and another 40 percent are from abroad. They come from the best public and private universities in the world. This pluralistic and multilingual group embodies the best of Columbia and New York City. They will enrich your newsrooms and communities as they venture forth to tell deeper, more complete stories that matter.
Please attend. It will be time well spent. Register here.
If you have questions and concerns, particularly about cost, that would keep you from attending, please call Gina Boubion at (212) 854-2980 or email me at gb2219@columbia.edu. We look forward to seeing you on March 28.