Call for Applications: All-Expenses-Paid Seminars in Health Journalism

The Annenberg School for Communication's California Endowment Health Journalism Fellowships

may 29, 2008  09:40 am
Deadline to Apply: June 27

Seminar Schedule:

Session 1: July 31-Aug. 3, 2008 in Los Angeles

Session 2: Oct. 23-26, 2008 in Los Angeles

USC's Annenberg School for Communication is calling for applications for its California Health Journalism seminars. The all-expenses-paid program, held in Los Angeles, offers journalists a chance to step away from the newsroom to hone their skills and gain new perspectives on covering health and health care. The application deadline is June 27.

The Fellowships are open to all professional print, broadcast and online journalists with a passion for health news, not just reporters on the health beat. We welcome applications from mainstream and ethnic media journalists. In intimate workshops, field trips and discussions, fellows learn from the country's most respected health and medical experts, from top journalists in the field and from each other.

During Session 1, we focus on craft, with hands-on workshops on investigating hospitals and nursing homes, understanding medical statistics and medical studies, narrative story telling techniques,and more.

During Session 2, we explore the latest thinking about "Healthy Communities" -- how neighborhood life, work conditions, social inequities, race and education influence health.

Or, as documentary filmmaker and program speaker Larry Adelman puts it: "why some of us get sicker more often and die sooner." Session 2 will also offer briefings on online mapping tools and digital story telling.

For more, go or click directly on the California Health Journalism link. You can also contact us at (213) 437-4419 or at calendow (at)