Boston's Weekly Dig Gaming Column Now In Atlanta

"Geeked" Launches Today in Creative Loafing

march 10, 2005  03:30 pm
Boston's Weekly Dig Gaming Column Now In Atlanta
BOSTON, MA (March 10, 2005) - Boston's Weekly Dig's newly syndicated "Geeked" column launched today in Creative Loafing Atlanta, an alternative news weekly serving the Atlanta Metropolitan area. Created by Boston’s Weekly Dig Editor at Large Seth Donlin and co-written by long-time contributor Adam Diamond, "Geeked" is the alternative news weekly industry’s first column dedicated to the culture of gaming.

"I'm flattered to have a column I started as a bit of a labor of love appear in the pages of a paper as well respected as Creative Loafing Atlanta -- a paper that began publishing the year that I was born," Donlin said.

First published in 1972, Creative Loafing Atlanta has a circulation of 150,000, the second-most broadly distributed newspaper in Georgia. It is the flagship of four weekly newspapers owned by Tampa, FL. based Creative Loafing Inc.

Donlin’s "Geeked" column has appeared in Boston’s Weekly Dig since 2003, which currently distributes 55,000 weekly. With the syndication it now reaches over a half millions readers in Boston and Atlanta.

"It's exciting to see other alt-weeklies beginning to realize how important gaming has become to our core readers," Donlin said. "The gaming industry is now a bigger money maker than even Hollywood; this is something that you don't want to miss out on."