AlterNet Offers Wal-Mart Story for Free to AAN Papers
By AAN Staff
october 28, 2005 01:48 pm
"Subsidizing the World's Largest Corporation" is an investigative report by Greg LeRoy examining Wal-Mart's efforts to secure hundreds of millions of dollars in tax breaks from communities across the U.S. LeRoy's investigation is part of a collaboration among four progressive magazines to echo the findings of Robert Greenwald's new documentary "Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price." In addition to AlterNet, The Nation, The American Prospect and In These Times are all tackling stories and themes showcased in Greenwald's film, which premiers Nov. 1. "Subsidizing the World's Largest Corporation" will be ready for publication Monday, Oct. 31. For more information, contact AlterNet associate editor Kristina Rizga at (415) 284-1420 ext. 323 or