Al Giordano Previews His AAN Convention Talk
By AAN Staff
may 11, 2009 02:37 pm
Giordano, a former alt-weekly reporter whose
Friday afternoon session at the AAN Convention is on "how independent journalism is thriving on the internet and in other parts of the hemisphere," decides to "do some thinking out loud on those themes" in a blog post titled "Black and White and Dead All Over." Giordano says that daily newspapers are dying because they are crippled by institutional biases. "Memo to my remaining daily print colleagues and their nostalgia club: Get over it and get over yourselves," he writes. "In your arrogance, you established calcified 'rules' of 'journalism' and false 'objectivity' that neutered and spayed all of your reporters, domesticated so they would never again afflict the comfortable or comfort the afflicted."