AltWeeklies Wire
Bedbugs Invade Colorado Springsnew

And bedbugs may do just that, since they're hitching their way across Colorado Springs.
Colorado Springs Independent |
J. Adrian Stanley |
05-31-2011 |
Tags: Colorado Springs Hotels, bedbugs
Bedbugs Attack: Bloodsuckers Have Become Public Health Problem in San Francisconew

Bedbugs are back and they're eating San Francisco alive, sticking their blood-hungry proboscises in transient gutter punks, international travelers, homeless people, doctors, lawyers, and yes ... maybe even you.
San Francisco Bay Guardian |
John Eastland |
09-16-2009 |
Good Night, Sleep Tight: But What If the Bedbugs Eat You Alive?new

Washington is just now waking up to a bunch of little problems under the sheets. Bedbugs are the vampires of the insect class -- nocturnal, sanguivorous, and legendarily hard to kill.
Washington City Paper |
Audrey Dutton |
01-29-2009 |
Tags: Washington DC, bedbugs