AltWeeklies Wire

Courting Controversynew

Wayne County's Mary Beth Kelly and her chorus of critics.
Metro Times  |  Sandra Svoboda  |  11-13-2007  |  Politics

John Dingell's Iraq Inkblotnew

It is odd that a seemingly straightforward piece of legislation could be a sort of political Rorschach test, with different people seeing in it very different things. But that's exactly the case with Dingell's timetable to get U.S. troops out of Iraq.
Metro Times  |  Curt Guyette  |  11-06-2007  |  Politics

Better than Being President?new

Around the world, no living American gets the admiration and respect Al Gore does.
Metro Times  |  Jack Lessenberry  |  10-23-2007  |  Commentary

Victory in Iraq, Now Certain!new

Yeah, right -- let your Democrats in Congress know that they were elected to end this war, and it's time they grew some backbones.
Metro Times  |  Jack Lessenberry  |  09-25-2007  |  Commentary

What Can Oprah Do for Obama?new

A recent poll showed Winfrey to be the second most influential woman in the United States -- behind Sen. Clinton. And polls have consistently shown Clinton to have more support among African-Americans than Obama, not to mention being about 20 points ahead of him overall.
Metro Times  |  Larry Gabriel  |  09-18-2007  |  Commentary

Why Does Michigan Want to Move its Primary Up So Early?new

As of last weekend, state Democrats and Republicans were close to a deal to hold a joint presidential primary Jan. 15 -- that would be before New Hampshire, at least as things now stand, and the day after Iowa's caucuses.
Metro Times  |  Jack Lessenberry  |  09-04-2007  |  Politics

Fred Upton's Glow Jobnew

The Michigan congressman wants billions for nukes.
Metro Times  |  Staff  |  08-28-2007  |  Politics

Al Gore: The Man Who Has Them Nailednew

The Assault on Reason is more profoundly important than I realized when it was first published (and I myself did a quick review of it).
Metro Times  |  Jack Lessenberry  |  08-21-2007  |  Commentary

Puddinhead Hoekstranew

Michigan representative weighs in on John Ashcroft's Jell-O.
Metro Times  |  Staff  |  08-07-2007  |  Politics

The Silence on Sudan is Deafeningnew

Indifference allows all kinds of terrible things to happen.
Metro Times  |  Larry Gabriel  |  08-07-2007  |  Commentary

Bush vs. Americanew

Why isn't Congress authorizing committees to investigate this president and vice president?
Metro Times  |  Jack Lessenberry  |  07-17-2007  |  Commentary

Michael Moore's Grand Slamnew

His new health care doc Sicko shows a sick system.
Metro Times  |  Jack Lessenberry  |  06-26-2007  |  Commentary

Caging the Vote Cagersnew

New testimony points to electoral dirty tricks.
Metro Times  |  Staff  |  06-19-2007  |  Politics

Grumpy About Gasnew

Could the Federal Price Gouging Prevention Act balk gas price gouging?
Metro Times  |  Jack Lessenberry  |  06-05-2007  |  Politics

Fund Education -- Or Dienew

Why good schools matter more than low taxes for Michigan.
Metro Times  |  Jack Lessenberry  |  05-22-2007  |  Commentary

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