AltWeeklies Wire
Sake to Me, Babynew

Premium sake, which is served chilled, goes down smoothly enough to appeal to those who never developed a taste for the hot-turpentine qualities of the cheap stuff still served in many sushi joints.
The Georgia Straight |
John Lucas |
02-22-2008 |
Canadian Game Developers Reach Next Levelnew
Mario Strikers Charged, an intense, fast-paced offering for the Nintendo Wii, is one of the many acclaimed video games recently developed in Canada.
The Georgia Straight |
Blaine Kyllo |
01-25-2008 |
Video Games
Tags: video games
Romania Caught in a Transitional Time Warpnew
Last January, Romania joined the European Union and money was suddenly available to begin upgrading the country's failing infrastructure. The cost of living jumped dramatically. But problems remain.
The Georgia Straight |
Julie Ovenell-Carter |
01-25-2008 |
Tags: travel
From Couch to Kitchen: Celeb Chefs Who Inspirenew
Unlike other TV chefs, Jamie Oliver actually motivates viewers to the stove with dead simple and rewarding recipes.
The Georgia Straight |
Angela Murrills |
01-25-2008 |
Faraway Food Productionnew
High energy and land costs raise the stakes for British Columbia's farmers.
The Georgia Straight |
Ben Parfitt |
01-25-2008 |
The BOYs are Back for Another Round of Bestsnew
More Best of the Year wines that made the jaded palate sparkle and buzz.
The Georgia Straight |
Jurgen Gothe |
01-18-2008 |
Consumer Electronics Show Brings Giant Screens and Pink Tasersnew
CES -- which took place January 7 to 10 -- is bursting at the seams these days, and there have been complaints from both exhibitors and attendees that the show is too big.
The Georgia Straight |
Blaine Kyllo |
01-18-2008 |
Tags: computers & technology
Kick-start Your Heart with Winter Sportsnew
"I mean, they are also low-impact, so you don't injure yourself as much, unless, of course, you fall off your skis," says Kenneth Madden, UBC assistant professor of geriatric medicine.
The Georgia Straight |
Matthew Burrows |
01-18-2008 |
Tags: sports & fitness
Your Wardrobe May be Ripe for a January Rejignew
The repurposing trend is hot globally and locally as eco-minded designers create one-of-a-kind pieces from found clothing.
The Georgia Straight |
Angela Murrills |
01-11-2008 |
Tags: fashion
Rock Band's Bundled Canadian Releasenew
While the highly anticipated game was scheduled for release in North America on November 20 and appeared in the U.S. on that day, copies of the title didn't start appearing on the shelves of Canadian retailers until December 21.
The Georgia Straight |
Blaine Kyllo |
01-11-2008 |
Video Games
Tags: video games
The Right Headphones Create an Ear for Musicnew
For those of you who received iPods and assorted other MP3 players during the holiday season, your next challenge is getting headphones that not only deliver high-quality sound but meet your individual needs.
The Georgia Straight |
Blaine Kyllo |
01-04-2008 |
Tags: computers & technology
Rounding Up BOYs From the Year Gone Bynew
The Best of Year import selections.
The Georgia Straight |
Jurgen Gothe |
01-04-2008 |
Healthy Obsessionnew
Research shows that physical activity reduces the chances of heart disease, cancer, and osteoporosis.
The Georgia Straight |
Charlie Smith |
01-04-2008 |
Tags: sports & fitness
Van Westen Makes Wines with Va-Va-Voomnew
Speed in acquisition is the name of the game with Van Westen Vineyards' wines.
The Georgia Straight |
Jurgen Gothe |
12-17-2007 |
Seven Drool-worthy Dining Booksnew
If Michelin rates restaurants with stars and wine critics do it by numbers, shouldn't cookbook ratings reflect the speed with which your salivary glands spring into action?
The Georgia Straight |
Angela Murrills |
12-10-2007 |