AltWeeklies Wire
How Reddit is Making Us Stoopid
Thanks to the social-cultural-economic orientation of too many Redditors, it's the Malicious Advice Mallard's world. We only live in it.
Shoot First, Justify Later
Imagine that you were the president of United States. Now think what you would do if you or one of your advisers proposed an idea—a great idea, one that solved a big problem—that was radical to the point of possibly crossing the legal line into unconstitutionality. You'd want to lawyer that sucker, right?
Maui Time |
Ted Rall |
11-28-2012 |
Crime & Justice
Awaiting a Slut Moment
We need a Slut Moment—a public self-outing by a popular celebrity. Someone who stands up and tells the world: I am a slut. I enjoy sex with more than one partner.
Tags: Petraeus
The Leftist Republican Party of the Future
You can't roll out a new and improved Republican Party social-issues platform overnight without alienating the crazy Christian fundamentalists and other unattractive sorts who currently form the basis of the Republican Party at present. But you can start a transition to a viable future in a methodical, gradual way that prepares the Republican Party for the huge demographic shifts that will drive the politics of the country as it moves further and further to the left.
As Both Parties Celebrate Victories, We Still Hate Them
Neither party gets it. They both think they won. And they sort of did. But we still hate them.
Face It, Pro-Choice Women—Obama Isn't That Into You
If you can overlook Obama's crimes and misdemeanors—if abortion rights are all you care about—there still isn't much reason to vote for Obama.
Maui Time |
Ted Rall |
10-30-2012 |
The War on Women
Factchecking the Factcheckers
Whether people are deciding which of the two corporate major-party candidates to vote for, or they're looking outside the system to a third party, voter boycott or revolution to overthrow the entire system, they can't make an intelligent decision without knowing the pertinent facts.
If You Vote, You Can't Complain
Here we go again. Like Charlie Brown considering Lucy's offer to hold the football so he can kick it--and Lucy's promises not to pull it away at the last second, as she's done every time in the past--lefties are being urged to set aside their disgust over the last four years and vote Democratic.
Big Bird is a 1%er
If you accept public money, you're in public service and should get paid accordingly. Which is to say, fairly--and at the lowest fair cost to taxpayers.
Tags: Big Bird
If Romney Loses, Blame Paul Ryan
This election is/was Romney's to lose—and apparently he has. The cause can be summed up in two words: Paul Ryan.
Is America's Decline Inevitable?
Though depressing, Obama's pessimism is dwarfed by Mitt Romney's.
The Rebranding of the President, 2012
If he wants to win, Obama must articulate a new vision, relaunching and rebranding himself into something completely different—in other words, running as though the last three four years had never happened. Like this was his first term.
Tags: Barack Obama
Fear of a Right Planet
If all Democratic strategists have to do to attract progressive voters is to frighten them with greater-evil Republicans, when will people who care about the working class, who oppose wars of choice, and whose critique of government is that it isn't in our lives enough ever see their dreams become party platform planks with some chance of being incorporated into legislation?
Bringing a Pen to a Gunfight
Either you're serious about eliminating gun violence, or you're not. "Soul-searching" isn't going to block the next bullet fired by a madman—but the law, coupled with rigorous enforcement, can.
Maui Time |
Ted Rall |
08-13-2012 |
Crime & Justice
Tags: gun control
Iran - Because Two Wars Aren't Enough
Year after year, on one foreign crisis after another, American presidents repeatedly state some variation on the theme that war is always an option, that the military option is always on the table. You've heard that line so often that you take it for granted. But did you know that "keeping the military option on the table" is a serious violation of international law?