AltWeeklies Wire

The Swagalicious Life of Mall Guynew

Behind the LED Belt and Colorful Shirts of One of Cleveland's Most Visible Characters
Cleveland Scene  |  Vince Grzegorek  |  11-06-2013  |  Features

The Last Ride of a Cleveland Hells Angel Informantnew

A path from destruction to redemption and back, and a family's trouble with witness protection.
Cleveland Scene  |  Vince Grzegorek  |  10-09-2013  |  Features

Mike Brown's Back in Town: A Cleveland Love Storynew

One of the more noteworthy takeaways from last month's Cavaliers Youth Fund Golf Classic is this: Recent (and some might say garish) trends in NBA players' wardrobes haven't yet materially affected the tastes or habits of off-court personnel. The assorted Cavs' PR folks down here at the Firestone Country Club in Akron, for better or worse, look like an intergenerational tennis team...
Cleveland Scene  |  Sam Allard  |  10-02-2013  |  Sports

The Fiction Issue: The Earth Will Swallow Younew

An embarrassment of literary riches. That's how Alissa Nutting characterized Cleveland's writing scene. And it's true. There are riches for everyone if you know where to look and are curious enough to take a peek.
Cleveland Scene  |  Mary Doria Russell, Kevin P. Keating, Thrity Umrigar, James Renner, Dan Chaon, Daniel Wessler Riordan, Alissa Nutting, Chris Drabick and Megan Erwin  |  09-26-2013  |  Fiction

Missing: The Long Lost Case of Christina Adkinsnew

A crowd of craned necks and reporter's notebooks was gathering Aug. 30 at the corner of Vega Avenue and the brick-lined alley of West 26th Place after FBI sources announced a search for human remains was under way. This sort of congregation had become routine during the summer of 2013, the questions always teetering on the brink of tragic discovery...
Cleveland Scene  |  Eric Sandy  |  09-19-2013  |  Features

$600 a Month and a Free Bednew

The minimum-wage life of a semi-pro baseball player.
Cleveland Scene  |  Sam Allard  |  08-26-2013  |  Business & Labor

Mangini's Messnew

Sent to Save the Cleveland Browns, Eric Mangini Instead Put on a Clinic on How to Drive a Team's Morale Into the Ground.
Cleveland Scene  |  Nate Jackson  |  08-08-2013  |  Sports

First Day Without Plain Dealer Home Delivery Sucksnew

Reports indicate that it's been taking upwards of an hour for the e-edition to load on iPads. What a way to inspire confidence in an already tortured, livid audience base.
Cleveland Scene  |  Sam Allard  |  08-05-2013  |  Media

The Never-Ending Pain of the Boy Scouts' 'Perversion Files'new

A former Scoutmaster confesses to decades of molestations that happened as the Scouts looked the other way; a victim explains the trauma endured at the hands of another troop leader.
Cleveland Scene  |  Doug Brown  |  07-31-2013  |  Crime & Justice


How Ohio politicians keep the state's puppy mill business booming with little regulation.
Cleveland Scene  |  Eric Sandy  |  07-25-2013  |  Features

Startup Citynew

Never mind the rust. Young tech companies are hot in Cleveland, where creating a startup has never been easier.
Cleveland Scene  |  Lee Chilcote  |  06-24-2013  |  Business & Labor

Marriage Equality Is Great And All,

Cleveland's LGBT community is focused on more important things right now.
Cleveland Scene  |  Eric Sandy  |  06-19-2013  |  LGBT

Confessions of a Strip Club Bathroom Attendantnew

Door George is Cleveland's adult entertainment ringmaster. His office just happens to be a strip club bathroom.
Cleveland Scene  |  Sam Allard  |  05-29-2013  |  Culture

Overdose Nationnew

As the opiate epidemic continues to ravage Northeast Ohio, a small group of folks try to distribute medicine that will stop the deaths.
Cleveland Scene  |  Vince Grzegorek  |  05-24-2013  |  Drugs

Great Black Hopenew

Can Nina Turner become the first African-American Democrat to win statewide office in Ohio?
Cleveland Scene  |  Chris Parker  |  05-17-2013  |  Elections

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