AltWeeklies Wire

Shooting Starnew

Sienna Miller nails Edie Sedgwick's gamine naivete in this biopic, but the film feels far too pat for its own good.
Austin Chronicle  |  Marc Savlov  |  02-22-2007  |  Reviews

Reality Shapes Fantasy Realmnew

Once again, don't fear the trailer. This excellent screen version of the Newbery-winning novel is not about fairies and enchanted forests, but about kids who feel as though they don't fit in.
Austin Chronicle  |  Marrit Ingman  |  02-22-2007  |  Reviews

Space Is the Placenew

This note-perfect film by the Polish brothers could almost be a relic from another age, an inspirational drama about staying true to one's dreams no matter the social, economic, or emotional cost.
Austin Chronicle  |  Marjorie Baumgarten  |  02-22-2007  |  Reviews

Passions of the Mindnew

Unfortunately, what makes British abolitionist William Wilberforce a great man is also what makes him dull: his single-mindeded righteousness.
Austin Chronicle  |  Josh Rosenblatt  |  02-22-2007  |  Reviews

On the Short Listnew

And the Oscar goes to ... see the five nominees and judge for yourself.
Austin Chronicle  |  Marjorie Baumgarten  |  02-15-2007  |  Reviews


The career of Robert Hanssen, the brilliant real-life FBI spy whose exploits as a double agent caused a great many deaths, should be the mole story to end all mole stories, but it is not.
Austin Chronicle  |  Josh Rosenblatt  |  02-15-2007  |  Reviews

Same Old Songnew

Drew Barrymore plays lyricist to Hugh Grant's has-been musician in this Valentine's Day romantic comedy.
Austin Chronicle  |  Toddy Burton  |  02-15-2007  |  Reviews

An Endangered Speciesnew

This Thai film is part melodrama and part spaghetti western, as if Sirk and Peckinpah fell into a blender and out poured tear-soaked Polaroids, giant exploding squibs and blown-up heads, tearful Asian songbird ballads, and homoerotic outlaw bonding.
Austin Chronicle  |  Marrit Ingman  |  02-15-2007  |  Reviews

The Story Is Only Skin-Deepnew

The three personas Eddie Murphy adopts in this film literally fill the screen, but the script doesn't serve his multidimensional talents.
Austin Chronicle  |  Steve Davis  |  02-09-2007  |  Reviews

A Recipe for Indigestionnew

Jesus Christ, the original sin eater, has his hands full with a bunch of superstitious Appalachian immigrants from Wales in the 1850s.
Austin Chronicle  |  Marjorie Baumgarten  |  02-09-2007  |  Reviews

Noshing on Nazisnew

Who would have thought mass murder and cannibalism could be so dull?
Austin Chronicle  |  Josh Rosenblatt  |  02-09-2007  |  Reviews

Five Degrees of Separationnew

The filmmaker and an all-star cast create this somber murder mystery that has little mystery but is filled with a deep foreboding about the anguish that dominates some women's lives.
Austin Chronicle  |  Marjorie Baumgarten  |  02-09-2007  |  Reviews

I Found My Fill on BlackBerry Hillnew

At Sundance, a renewed 'Focus on Film' amid celebrity worship and the frantic search for the next big thing.
Austin Chronicle  |  Marjorie Baumgarten  |  02-01-2007  |  Movies

Mama Triednew

With a lazy, cliche, and rabid plot and paper-thin character development, this comedy's idea of fun involves the intergenerational discussion of orgasms.
Austin Chronicle  |  Toddy Burton  |  02-01-2007  |  Reviews

Out of Africanew

This multiaward-winner from Sundance 2006 follows three "lost boys" of the Sudan, chronicling their journey in the United States, while revealing as much about American life as African life.
Austin Chronicle  |  Marrit Ingman  |  02-01-2007  |  Reviews

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