AltWeeklies Wire

Willful Ignorance

Our brains are too big to bury in the sand over global warming.
The Inlander  |  Ted S. McGregor Jr.  |  04-13-2006  |  Commentary

Downward Mobility

Washington’s 5th District tells the twisting tale of the Republican Party since 1994.
The Inlander  |  Ted S. McGregor jr.  |  03-07-2006  |  Commentary

Catholics on the Court

Could Samuel Alito’s legal perspectives be explained by his culture of Catholicism?
The Inlander  |  Robert Herold  |  01-18-2006  |  Commentary

Crying Havoc

Americans should blame their aloofness from the war in Iraq for Casey Sheehan's death as much as George W. Bush.
The Inlander  |  Robert L. Stokes  |  08-25-2005  |  Commentary

Emission Controlnew

Washington State is considering a bill that would reduce tailpipe emissions by 30 perscent -- but could that put the brakes on the auto industry?
The Inlander  |  Joel Smith  |  03-31-2005  |  Politics

What Can State Senator Brown Do For You?new

Eastern Washingtonians have always griped about how lawmakers in Olympia care only about the West Side. Then, seemingly overnight, Sen. Lisa Brown of Spokane's 3rd District became one of the most powerful politicians in the state.
The Inlander  |  Joel Smith  |  03-31-2005  |  Politics

How Terri Schiavo Saves Tom DeLay

Another view on the Schiavo case: It’s about changing the subject in Washington, D.C., too
The Inlander  |  Robert Herold  |  03-25-2005  |  Commentary

John Kerry for President

The Inlander officially endorses Kerry for president, in part to "reject the politics of fear and choose hope."
The Inlander  |  The Inlander  |  10-20-2004  |  Commentary

Father Knows Best

George Washington’s Farewell Address offers lessons to a deeply divided modern America.
The Inlander  |  Ted S. McGregor Jr.  |  08-21-2004  |  Commentary

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