AltWeeklies Wire
Sad Is the New Funny at Los Angeles Film Festivalnew
Amusing movies about depressed young men are in.
'Transformers': Rock 'Em, Sock 'Emnew
Giant robot fights look better than ever.
Tags: Michael Bay, Transformers
The 2007 Los Angeles Film Festival: Mad Worldnew
Highlights from the 2007 film festival spotlight outspoken DJs, prisons, environmental damage, and ... Pac-Man?
'1408': Return of the Kingnew
Big Steve's back on the big screen in fine form.
Tags: 1408, Mikael Hafstrom
Think Summer Movies Are Just Toy Commercials?new
We check out the products they're pimping.
Summer Cinema: A Vaguely Helpful Guidenew
Ten films to see, five worth a look, and five more to shield your eyes from.
'Pierrepoint': Spall, Bearernew
Death becomes Timothy in The Last Hangman.
Sheer Konnew
Paprika's director is hard to pin down, but he wants you to try.
OC Weekly |
Luke Y. Thompson |
06-05-2007 |
Profiles & Interviews
Tags: Paprika, Satoshi Kon
Stone Cold Says Sonew
Steve Austin explains his journey to the big screen.
OC Weekly |
Luke Y. Thompson |
05-01-2007 |
Profiles & Interviews
Tags: Scott Wiper, The Condemned
Camera d'Cheatin'new
The movies can't get enough of marrieds getting it on outside marriage.
The Wretched of the Wretchesnew
Will OC see the ultimate Catholic pedophile bare all in Deliver Us From Evil?
Tags: Amy Berg, Deliver Us From Evil
Out of Afrikaansnew
Phillip Noyce harvests the seeds of South African revolution.
Tags: Catch a Fire, Phillip Noyce
Where There's Smoke, There's No Firenew
9/11 Conspiracy film comes to O.C.
OC Weekly |
Nick Schou |
10-30-2006 |
Profiles & Interviews
Tags: 9/11 Mysteries, Sofia
Strange Days Indeednew
The U.S. vs. John Lennon and American Hardcore have a lot in common -- they both make you long for the good ol' days.
Yo-Ho, Yo-Ho, No Pirate's Life for Menew

Our intrepid reporter finds fear and loathing at the Magic Kingdom's Pirates media event.