AltWeeklies Wire

Sad Is the New Funny at Los Angeles Film Festivalnew

Amusing movies about depressed young men are in.
OC Weekly  |  Luke Y. Thompson  |  07-10-2007  |  Movies

'Transformers': Rock 'Em, Sock 'Emnew

Giant robot fights look better than ever.
OC Weekly  |  Luke Y. Thompson  |  07-10-2007  |  Reviews

The 2007 Los Angeles Film Festival: Mad Worldnew

Highlights from the 2007 film festival spotlight outspoken DJs, prisons, environmental damage, and ... Pac-Man?
OC Weekly  |  Luke Y. Thompson  |  07-03-2007  |  Movies

'1408': Return of the Kingnew

Big Steve's back on the big screen in fine form.
OC Weekly  |  Luke Y. Thompson  |  06-26-2007  |  Reviews

Think Summer Movies Are Just Toy Commercials?new

We check out the products they're pimping.
OC Weekly  |  Luke Y. Thompson  |  06-12-2007  |  Movies

Summer Cinema: A Vaguely Helpful Guidenew

Ten films to see, five worth a look, and five more to shield your eyes from.
OC Weekly  |  Luke Y. Thompson  |  06-12-2007  |  Movies

'Pierrepoint': Spall, Bearernew

Death becomes Timothy in The Last Hangman.
OC Weekly  |  Luke Y. Thompson  |  06-05-2007  |  Reviews

Sheer Konnew

Paprika's director is hard to pin down, but he wants you to try.
OC Weekly  |  Luke Y. Thompson  |  06-05-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews

Stone Cold Says Sonew

Steve Austin explains his journey to the big screen.
OC Weekly  |  Luke Y. Thompson  |  05-01-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews

Camera d'Cheatin'new

The movies can't get enough of marrieds getting it on outside marriage.
OC Weekly  |  Matt Coker  |  02-13-2007  |  Movies

The Wretched of the Wretchesnew

Will OC see the ultimate Catholic pedophile bare all in Deliver Us From Evil?
OC Weekly  |  Gustavo Arellano  |  11-13-2006  |  Reviews

Out of Afrikaansnew

Phillip Noyce harvests the seeds of South African revolution.
OC Weekly  |  Ella Taylor  |  10-30-2006  |  Reviews

Where There's Smoke, There's No Firenew

9/11 Conspiracy film comes to O.C.
OC Weekly  |  Nick Schou  |  10-30-2006  |  Profiles & Interviews

Strange Days Indeednew

The U.S. vs. John Lennon and American Hardcore have a lot in common -- they both make you long for the good ol' days.
OC Weekly  |  Matt Coker  |  09-25-2006  |  Reviews

Yo-Ho, Yo-Ho, No Pirate's Life for Menew

Our intrepid reporter finds fear and loathing at the Magic Kingdom's Pirates media event.
OC Weekly  |  Jack Shit  |  07-07-2006  |  Movies

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