AltWeeklies Wire

Derf Ends 24-Year Run of Comic Strip 'The City'new

Cleveland cartoonist Derf Backderf published the final installment of "The City" today.
Cleveland Scene  |  Eric Sandy  |  05-15-2014  |  Media

Freedom Trollsnew

The legally obnoxious antics of the activists behind 'Cop Block.'
Cleveland Scene  |  Doug Brown  |  04-14-2014  |  Features

One Night in Amish Countrynew

A butter-churned journey into the heartland for the most exclusive dinner in Northeast Ohio.
Cleveland Scene  |  Eric Sandy  |  04-02-2014  |  Features

The Battle for East Clevelandnew

With bankruptcy looming (again) and merger talks heating up, a look at how East Cleveland arrived here and what might be next
Cleveland Scene  |  Eric Sandy, Sam Allard, Vince Grzegorek and Doug Brown  |  03-26-2014  |  Policy Issues

A Traffic Ticket and a Bullet Through the Chestnew

As the feds investigate the Cleveland Police Department's use of deadly force, another story emerges of an unarmed man shot by cops in one of downtown's busiest entertainment districts.
Cleveland Scene  |  Doug Brown  |  03-07-2014  |  Crime & Justice

Travels with the U.S. Coast Guard on the Frozen Great Lakesnew

Conglomerations of small cakes and chunks from other ice formations, coalesced and refrozen into irregular shapes, often with sharp projections. We’re underway, eight nautical miles or thereabouts into the solid white mass of what I’ve been assured is Lake Erie.
Cleveland Scene  |  Sam Allard  |  02-20-2014  |  Features

The Brothel of Bedfordnew

A behind-closed-doors look at a corrupt network of prostitution customers - and the investigation that brought them down.
Cleveland Scene  |  Doug Brown  |  01-29-2014  |  Features

The Paranoid and Obsessive Life of a Mid-Level Bookienew

"When you win and win big, there isn't a better feeling in the world — you're on cloud fuckin' thirty-nine. You want to pop bottles of champagne in the basement because Hawaii won some game."
Cleveland Scene  |  Doug Brown  |  12-12-2013  |  Features

The Cleveland Comedy Issuenew

Please laugh. Seriously, just a chuckle or two and we'll consider this thing a success
Cleveland Scene  |  Staff  |  11-20-2013  |  Features

Turmoil at the Museumnew

Inside the affair, suicide and abrupt resignation that rocked the Cleveland Museum of Art.
Cleveland Scene  |  Sam Allard and Doug Brown  |  11-13-2013  |  Features

The Swagalicious Life of Mall Guynew

Behind the LED Belt and Colorful Shirts of One of Cleveland's Most Visible Characters
Cleveland Scene  |  Vince Grzegorek  |  11-06-2013  |  Features

The Last Ride of a Cleveland Hells Angel Informantnew

A path from destruction to redemption and back, and a family's trouble with witness protection.
Cleveland Scene  |  Vince Grzegorek  |  10-09-2013  |  Features

Missing: The Long Lost Case of Christina Adkinsnew

A crowd of craned necks and reporter's notebooks was gathering Aug. 30 at the corner of Vega Avenue and the brick-lined alley of West 26th Place after FBI sources announced a search for human remains was under way. This sort of congregation had become routine during the summer of 2013, the questions always teetering on the brink of tragic discovery...
Cleveland Scene  |  Eric Sandy  |  09-19-2013  |  Features

$600 a Month and a Free Bednew

The minimum-wage life of a semi-pro baseball player.
Cleveland Scene  |  Sam Allard  |  08-26-2013  |  Business & Labor

First Day Without Plain Dealer Home Delivery Sucksnew

Reports indicate that it's been taking upwards of an hour for the e-edition to load on iPads. What a way to inspire confidence in an already tortured, livid audience base.
Cleveland Scene  |  Sam Allard  |  08-05-2013  |  Media

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