AltWeeklies Wire

RNC Report: Defending Johnny Cash's Honornew

Johnny Cash used to wear the black for the poor and beaten down. But he didn’t wear the black for rich folk eating in fancy dining cars or smokin’ big cigars.
Boston Phoenix  |  Camille Dodero  |  09-01-2004  |  Politics

RNC Report: Drugs & Lies, plus the Governatornew

First, let me be clear: I will not call the Senate majority leader "Doctor Frist."
Boston Phoenix  |  Adam Reilly  |  09-01-2004  |  Politics

RNC Report: Mass Arrests in Herald Squarenew

There were 180 arrests in three hours.
Boston Phoenix  |  Camille Dodero  |  09-01-2004  |  Politics

RNC Report: Desperately Seeking Michael Moorenew

Michael Moore is unpredictable, and you have no idea how desperately the media want something unpredictable to happen at these deadly boring, scripted, controlled, conventions.
Boston Phoenix  |  David S. Bernstein  |  09-01-2004  |  Politics

RNC Report: Laura Bush's Unintentionally Revealing Momentnew

Got medication? I ask this question only partly in jest. If I had a neighbor who looked the way Laura looked at Madison Square Garden Tuesday night, I’d wait for the right moment and then ask her—as tactfully as possible—if everything was quite all right.
Boston Phoenix  |  Adam Reilly  |  09-01-2004  |  Politics

RNC Report: Let the White Men Protect Younew

In case you didn’t notice, protecting the country is a job for white men. Feeding and serving people is – dare I say it – for the womenfolk and colored help.
Boston Phoenix  |  David Bernstein  |  09-01-2004  |  Politics

RNC Report: The Donkey Watchnew

Is Bush compassionate? Does Coke add life?
Boston Phoenix  |  David S. Bernstein  |  08-31-2004  |  Politics

RNC Report: Mitt Romney Mellows Outnew

Last night, Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney got angry. But today, as he sang hymns of praise to George W. Bush and showcased his own political chops at a National Republican Senatorial Committee luncheon, the governor was affable and conciliatory.
Boston Phoenix  |  Adam Reilly  |  08-31-2004  |  Politics

RNC Report: March for Our Livesnew

When does chaos ensue at a protest? Usually when cops start making arrests. But during Monday evening's "March for Our Lives," confusion began when the cops did something even more peculiar: they tossed metal barricades in front of marchers who were hurtling forward like a freight train.
Boston Phoenix  |  Camille Dodero  |  08-31-2004  |  Politics

RNC Report: Giuliani to World — Drop Deadnew

You might recall that the "Bush Doctrine" is the use of preemptive force against an imminent threat. But Rudolph Giuliani said Monday evening that the Bush Doctrine was "you are either with us or you are with the terrorists."
Boston Phoenix  |  David S. Bernstein  |  08-31-2004  |  Politics

RNC Report: McCain to America — Fight Something!new

John McCain is absolutely sure that we're in the midst of fighting a great war. How big, he's a little vague on, because he's not quite ready to define who or what exactly were at war against.
Boston Phoenix  |  David S. Bernstein  |  08-31-2004  |  Politics

RNC Report: Right-Wing Humornew

There’s a rich, fertile world of GOP comedy out there.
Boston Phoenix  |  Adam Reilly  |  08-31-2004  |  Politics

RNC Report: Billionaires for Bushnew

Activists can sometimes be way too earnest, but these guys are always good for a chuckle.
Boston Phoenix  |  Camille Dodero  |  08-30-2004  |  Politics

RNC Report: Donkey Watchnew

The Dems put the ZZZZ… in zinger
Boston Phoenix  |  David Bernstein  |  08-30-2004  |  Politics

RNC Report: A History of the GOPnew

If the crappy cover band stationed outside Madison Square Garden this morning didn’t get Republican delegates good and pumped, the stirring History of Modern Republicanism recounted on three video screens while they waited to enter the building probably did the trick.
Boston Phoenix  |  Adam Reilly  |  08-30-2004  |  Politics

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