AltWeeklies Wire

The Wrong Way Home

Bush now seems poised to commit the next biggest blunder of his misguided war policy in Iraq -- to "surge" more troops into an already losing conflict.
Random Lengths News  |  James Preston Allen  |  01-10-2007  |  Commentary

Healing or Hiding?

The real legacy of Gerald R. Ford.
Random Lengths News  |  Paul Rosenberg  |  12-29-2006  |  Commentary

When Faith and Politics Collide

I have difficulty at this time of year understanding how some in this country live with the inherent contradictions of being Christians while maintaining a belief that they are also patriotic Americans.
Random Lengths News  |  James Preston Allen  |  12-20-2006  |  Commentary

GOP Swept Away

Democrats scored a sweeping national victory Nov. 7, gaining about 30 seats in the House and six in the Senate.
Random Lengths News  |  Paul Rosenberg  |  11-08-2006  |  Politics

Goofy Golden State Vote

Sometimes the voters of this state are just plain goofy.
Random Lengths News  |  James Preston Allen  |  11-08-2006  |  Commentary

Clean Air Plan Puts Pressure on Ports

The AQMD aims for 50 percent smog cuts by 2020.
Random Lengths News  |  Paul Rosenberg  |  10-25-2006  |  Environment

Voters And Non-Voters

If California's non-voters made their voices heard, state policies could be dramatically reoriented in a more progressive direction, according to a new report.
Random Lengths News  |  Paul Rosenberg  |  10-25-2006  |  Politics

Neocons Target California

Even as friendly and smiling as Schwarzenegger appears on TV, it is his silent agenda that reveals his true loyalties to the California Chamber of Commerce, the oil companies and the Pacific Maritime Association.
Random Lengths News  |  James Preston Allen  |  10-25-2006  |  Commentary

The Battle For Congress

Voter dissatisfaction is so intense that the loss of the GOP's 15-seat majority seems almost certain, making Nancy Pelosi the first female Speaker of the House in history.
Random Lengths News  |  Paul Rosenberg  |  10-25-2006  |  Politics

'The War Profiteers'

Robert Greenwald's shocking new documentary, Iraq for Sale, exposes the truth of the private contracts awarded to corporations who are bilking American taxpayers out of billions of dollars.
Random Lengths News  |  Laurie Bongard  |  10-25-2006  |  Politics

What If the 'Big One' Is A Bomb?

A RAND report examines a nuclear attack scenario at port of Long Beach.
Random Lengths News  |  Paul Rosenberg  |  09-15-2006  |  Politics

The ABCs Of 9/11

Disney's TV network errs, blames Clinton.
Random Lengths News  |  Paul Rosenberg  |  09-15-2006  |  Media

A Commentary on Genre

While sleekly presented in an avant noir style, each vignette is a superb niche in the ten main genres commonly placed on the video shelf, reflecting as the artist insists on something similar to the ten Aristotelian categories of reality.
Random Lengths News  |  Armando Ruiz and James Preston Allen  |  09-15-2006  |  Art

ABC of Propaganda

When Saigon fell, the US military vowed to never let this kind of war happen again, which many of us took to mean that they were never going to be used as a political pawn in an unjustified war with no exit strategy.
Random Lengths News  |  James Preston Allen  |  09-15-2006  |  Commentary

What Would Happen?

New reports from USC and UCLA both argue that, whatever the local impacts, the national economy would not be severely strained, and would not suffer a recession if terrorists attacked the ports.
Random Lengths News  |  Paul Rosenberg  |  09-01-2006  |  Disasters

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