AltWeeklies Wire

It's A Funny Story and Jack Goes Boatingnew

Films about life, love and the whole damn mess.
Boise Weekly  |  George Prentice  |  10-07-2010  |  Reviews

Two Hits, One Miss At TIFFnew

Three very different historical biopics made North American premieres at the Toronto International Film Festival this past week. Two succeeded. And the one that didn't may have let the facts get in the way of good drama.
Boise Weekly  |  George Prentice  |  09-22-2010  |  Movies

Exclusive: Trans-Afghanistan Pipeline Remains A Neocon Pipe Dream

I personally confirmed it: There is no Trans-Afghanistan Pipeline. The Bush Administration killed thousands of people, partly for a pipeline-that-will-never-exist.
Boise Weekly  |  Ted Rall  |  09-21-2010  |  War

TIFF: Kidman: "I'm very nervous."new

“I’m responsible for this film,” Nicole Kidman said in a breathy voice. She looked to her fellow actors, director and screenwriter who had accompanied her to a press encounter. But at the end of the day (or the beginning for that matter, because the hour was rather early), Kidman is the producer of Rabbit Hole.
Boise Weekly  |  George Prentice  |  09-19-2010  |  Movies

Never is a Pretty Strong Word. So is This

I know a terrible secret. But you’d hate it if I spilled any of the details of Never Let Me Go.
Boise Weekly  |  George Prentice  |  09-17-2010  |  Movies

TIFF: Audience Member Nearly Faints While Watching Franconew

There was a bit of drama on screen and off Sunday night at the Toronto International Film Festival. An audience member had to run for the exits while watching 127 Hours. It’s that powerful.
Boise Weekly  |  George Prentice  |  09-17-2010  |  Movies

Fishing, Mudslinging and Primus' New Pathnew

Les Claypool is a man of many faces. Whether it's that of an evil pig, Planet of the Apes style primate or creepy long-nosed warlock, Claypool has been known to switch personas mid-concert, employing a variety of masks and disguises.
Boise Weekly  |  Stephen Foster  |  09-17-2010  |  Profiles & Interviews

TIFF: Will Ferrell In A Drama? And It's Good?new

The man who brought buffoonery to a new level in Anchorman and Old School showed up at the Toronto International Film Festival to unveil something new ... really new: Everything Must Go.
Boise Weekly  |  George Prentice  |  09-16-2010  |  Reviews

TIFF: It's Kind of a Funny Story (And It Is)new

Keir Gilchrist stars as Craig, a teenager who checks himself into a hospital when he considers suicide, and he ends up in an adult ward.Zach Galifianakis stars in a “is he or isn’t he” role (Doctor? Patient?). Think One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Next for a new generation.
Boise Weekly  |  George Prentice  |  09-15-2010  |  Reviews

TIFF: Is That Martin Sheen In The Picket Line?new

Boise Weekly's George Prentice spots Martin Sheen in a picket line outside of Toronto, Canda's Royal York Hotel. You want clean towels? Hotel and restaurant cleaning crews—and Martin Sheen—want justice.
Boise Weekly  |  George Prentice  |  09-13-2010  |  Movies

Toronto Boundnew

BW's film reviewer heads to Canada for the Toronto International Film Festival. His goal: to catch as many of the fest's 300 films as possible while blogging obsessively and staying out of jail.
Boise Weekly  |  George Prentice  |  09-08-2010  |  Movies

Exporting Homophobianew

American far-right conservative churches establish influence on anti-gay policy in Africa.
Boise Weekly  |  Jody May-Chang  |  09-08-2010  |  LGBT

Idaho's Cuban Connectionnew

Idaho is closer to Cuba than you'd think.
Boise Weekly  |  George Prentice  |  09-08-2010  |  International

On a Wing and a Songnew

The Starlings' new album is a Bright Light
Boise Weekly  |  Amy Atkins  |  09-02-2010  |  Profiles & Interviews

Cow Country: The Rise of the CAFO in Idahonew

As mega-dairies and feedlots make up more of Idaho's dairy industry, the conflicts between people and cattle are increasing.
Boise Weekly  |  Scott Weaver  |  09-02-2010  |  Environment

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