AltWeeklies Wire
OC to China: We Want Your Pregnant!new

You Win Yankee Vacation Baby Today!
OC Weekly |
Charles Lam |
05-28-2015 |
Those Cheatin' OC Sheriff's Deputiesnew

Judge Considers Perjury Findings Against Deputy For Death Penalty Case Testimony
OC Weekly |
R. Scott Moxley |
02-19-2015 |
Crime & Justice
How Aaron Kushner Wrecked the OC Registernew

The Boston millionaire claimed he'd save The Orange County Register and transform journalism. He didn't.
Tags: OC Register
OC Register Death Watchnew

If Aaron Kushner has his way, Monday will leave OC Register with less reporters than when he bought it.
Tags: oc register
Is the OC Register's Paywall Coming Down?new

It's almost the one-year anniversary of the Orange County Register erecting a paywall on its website, a paywall that owners Aaron Kushner and Eric Spitz swore was strict, swore would never go down, swore was impenetrable. But the dirty little secret with the Reg's website nowadays is that it's harder to find a story behind the paywall than one that readers can view for free.
Tags: OC Register
The Very Merry Un-Gangs of Disneylandnew

Droves of tattoo-sporting, vest-wearing nerds roam the Happiest Place On Earth. They don't make war, they say—they make magic.
The War for Michoacannew

Santa Ana residents are helping to wage a secret war against one of Mexico's most ruthless drug cartels—and they're winning.
Five Ways To Identify a Bullshit Food Writernew

The signal-to-noise ratio of food writing is headed straight down the pan.
Where's the Diversity At in the Orange County Register's Recent Hiring Spree?new

A funny thing has emerged as Aaron Kushner basks in the limelight of positive press for turning himself into the Daddy Warbucks of print. Notice all the new Orange County Register reporters? They're so...white.
A Question of Identitynew

Which accused L.A. crime figure is a friend of a friend of ex-Los Angeles D.A. Steve Cooley?
OC Weekly |
R. Scott Moxley |
04-10-2013 |
Crime & Justice
Tags: Steve Cooley
Notes From the Underground Economynew

Are companies at the Port of Long Beach cheating truckers out of their rightful wages?
OC Weekly |
Joseph Lapin |
01-11-2013 |
Business & Labor
Tags: truck drivers, Port of Long Beach
Sick Enough to Smokenew

A peek inside Orange County's most exclusive medical-marijuana club, one no one wants to join.
The Racist #VoteWhite Hashtagnew

There is a #VoteWhite hashtag on Twitter and it's just as sickening as you'd expect.
OC Weekly |
Michelle Woo |
11-06-2012 |
Race & Class
Straight Outta Syrianew

Orange County, Calif. is home to growing numbers of refugees from Syria's civil war.
OC Weekly |
Yasmin Nouh |
10-22-2012 |
The Nurse, The Rapist and Their Shady Charitynew

He nearly beat his wife to death, but the Ironwood State Prison resident wants you to donate to his anti-domestic-violence charity.
OC Weekly |
R. Scott Moxley |
08-16-2012 |
Crime & Justice
Tags: Prince Edward Maryland