AltWeeklies Wire

Just Don't Do Itnew

How religious organizations spread dangerous misinformation through sex-ed programs in public schools.
Cincinnati CityBeat  |  Natalie Krebs  |  02-26-2016  |  Education

Robin Hood in Reversenew

How universities force working-class students to pay thousands of dollars in hidden fees to athletic departments awash in red ink.
Cincinnati CityBeat  |  University of Cincinnati Journalism Students  |  05-08-2015  |  Education

Road to Nowherenew

Why a growing number of Cincinnatians struggle to break free from the cycle of poverty.
Cincinnati CityBeat  |  German Lopez  |  02-14-2014  |  Poverty

Tales From the Inside of Ohio's Private Prisonnew

Inmates described violence, staff ineptitude and unsanitary conditions inside Ohio's private prison. Then came the surprise inspections.
Cincinnati CityBeat  |  German Lopez  |  05-31-2013  |  Crime & Justice

The Chastity Bunchnew

Small-town Ohio Republicans push abstinence-only education while defunding Planned Parenthood and threatening health care for the poor.
Cincinnati CityBeat  |  German Lopez  |  04-25-2013  |  The War on Women

Not Legal Enoughnew

Ohio no longer grants driver's licenses to children of illegal immigrants despite federal executive action.
Cincinnati CityBeat  |  German Lopez  |  02-06-2013  |  Immigration

Unforgiven Offensesnew

The Catholic Church’s interference with its employees’ private lives is becoming an increasingly public matter.
Cincinnati CityBeat  |  Hannah McCartney  |  01-09-2013  |  The War on Women

The Evolution of Equalitynew

Are Ohioans ready to recognize my gay marriage?
Cincinnati CityBeat  |  German Lopez  |  11-28-2012  |  LGBT

School of Shocknew

Miami University is a sick, sick campus in desperate need of the largest group therapy session ever recorded, top-rung leadership more palpably concerned with student safety and a less corporate approach to media relations.
Cincinnati CityBeat  |  Kathy Y. Wilson  |  10-17-2012  |  Education

Enquirer Conflicts of Interest Still on Displaynew

It's a good day for journalism when a newspaper's president places the newspaper's needs above her personal ambitions.
Cincinnati CityBeat  |  German Lopez  |  10-03-2012  |  Media

Cincinnati Enquirer Publisher Resigns from UC Board of Trusteesnew

Newspaper's president says she wants to avoid conflict of interest.
Cincinnati CityBeat  |  German Lopez  |  10-01-2012  |  Education

A Hero Ain't Nothin' But a Sandwichnew

Like an Old Testament miracle, Chick-fil-A founders last week reversed themselves and decided to stop contributing chicken sandwich money to organizations spearheading the right-wing conservative movement to dismantle same-sex marriage nationwide.
Cincinnati CityBeat  |  Kathy Y. Wilson  |  09-26-2012  |  LGBT

Liberty For Salenew

Should Ohio inmates be commodities in a for-profit venture?
Cincinnati CityBeat  |  German Lopez  |  09-20-2012  |  Crime & Justice

R.I.P. Cincinnati Metromix :’(new

Gannett learned the hard way that you can’t just print something that looks like a newspaper and expect people to read it.
Cincinnati CityBeat  |  Danny Cross  |  09-10-2012  |  Media

Secret Servicenew

Rival political parties in Ohio probably know more about your elected officials than you do. It’s common practice for the major parties to file open records requests to get everything from schedules and emails to staff resumes from officeholders.
Cincinnati CityBeat  |  Andy Brownfield  |  08-28-2012  |  Policy Issues

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