AltWeeklies Wire
The 'Unfilmable' Graphic Novel Can, In Fact, Be Enjoyably Filmednew
Alan Moore is a big baby, because Watchmen is a worthy adaptation of his work. It captures a significant amount of the novel's paranoiac essence while making changes to keep things filmable. It's a nice homage to his fine work.
Tucson Weekly |
Bob Grimm |
03-12-2009 |
'Watchmen' Is Both a Test of Zack Snyder's Movie Sense and Pop Culture's Maturitynew
With Hollywood's adaptation of Alan Moore's 1986 graphic novel, the future of pop culture hangs in the balance: Post-literary hipster culture meets post-cinematic movie culture to see who will dominate.
New York Press |
Armond White |
03-05-2009 |
'Watchmen' Star Jackie Earle Haley on Rorschach, Living in San Antonio, and Being a Badassnew
While Watchmen director Zack Snyder’s credentials or Matthew Goode’s accent as ubermensch ex-hero Ozymandias provoked staggering amounts of internet bitching, the casting of Jackie Earle Haley generated nothing but fanboy praise, adulation, and high hopes for the adaptation that many decried as impossible.
San Antonio Current |
Chuck Kerr |
03-04-2009 |
Profiles & Interviews
Zack Snyder Delivers Exactly the 'Watchmen' We've Already Seen

You probably don't want a visionary director when it comes to pleasing devotees of a work that they already consider visionary. What you want, really, is a competent hack.
Salt Lake City Weekly |
Scott Renshaw |
03-03-2009 |