AltWeeklies Wire

Darby Crash and Burnnew

It's to Rodger Grossman's credit that he tries to make the characters in What We Do is Secret real people. But he doesn't succeed.
San Diego CityBeat  |  Anders Wright  |  09-03-2008  |  Reviews

Darby Crash Gets a Biopic as Ragged as He Wasnew

What We Do is Secret is told in a combination of narrative and faux-doc pieces, which becomes something of a patchwork, with the talking-head segments a jarring shift from the gritty punk milieu.
Philadelphia City Paper  |  Shaun Brady  |  09-02-2008  |  Reviews

Darby Crash Biopic Feels Like 'High School Musical' With Heroinnew

What We Do Is Secret, named after a Germs song, begins with one genuine moment--Shane West perfectly imitating Crash's baby-talkish onstage requests for a "beerwa"—but crumbles into cartoonish movie-of-the-week territory from there.
Washington City Paper  |  Tricia Olszewski  |  08-29-2008  |  Reviews

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