AltWeeklies Wire

Two Brothers delivers anthropomorphized poo, and Tigger, too!new

I am a big believer in being forewarned and forearmed, especially when it comes to movies for kids. So I have only myself to blame (and blame I do!) for the traumas witnessed by my 3-year-old, who had to be carried sobbing from the theater only 15 minutes into Two Brothers. My son’s palpable distress for the rest of the movie distracted me, almost, from how god-awful boring a movie it was: a slow, ponderous, heavy-handed and gooey tale of Family! and Love! and Tigers!
Missoula Independent  |  Susanna Sonnenberg  |  07-01-2004  |  Reviews

Tiger Beatnew

Two tiger cubs separated during infancy are cast to the winds of fate in French-occupied Indochina.
Austin Chronicle  |  Marrit Ingman  |  06-24-2004  |  Reviews

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