AltWeeklies Wire

Child Stalker Casts Shadow on Ohio Townnew

The heat has been on registered sex offenders in Massillon, Ohio, ever since an unidentified man began trying to lure children into his car.
Cleveland Scene  |  Jared Klaus  |  06-08-2005  |  Crime & Justice

Don't Go Into the Closetnew

Although the film has the look and feel of an old dark house horrorthon, there’s simply not much else to it beyond a brief and unrealized subplot about all those missing kids emblazoned on the back of your morning milk being the victims of Boogey-napping.
Austin Chronicle  |  Marc Savlov  |  02-11-2005  |  Reviews

Pathetic Torturenew

Boogeyman would have benefited from a better script--and more of the Boogeyman itself.
Tucson Weekly  |  Bob Grimm  |  02-10-2005  |  Reviews

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