AltWeeklies Wire
Inside the Deeply Bizarre World of IMDb Movie Suggestionsnew

Let's take a second look at the sometimes incomprehensible "recommendations" feature on the Internet Movie Database website ( As you'll soon see, some of these recommendations are rather unexpected.
Fast Forward Weekly |
John Tebbutt |
12-11-2008 |
Revenge Is a Dish Best Served With the Claw-End of a Hammer
This beautiful Korean revenge flick hits like a hammer, feels like a kiss.
Columbus Alive |
J. Caleb Mozzocco |
08-18-2005 |
Tarantino Finds Resolution for His Bloody Mamanew
Beyond gore and self-gratification, Tarantino here gives context to Vol. 1's excesses and even makes reference to "The Searchers."
Boston Phoenix |
Peter Keough |
08-07-2004 |