AltWeeklies Wire

'Remixed' is a Standards Slaughternew

The overarching cut 'n' paste effect leaves the listener with the impression that everybody in the studio just let the Holiday tracks roll as some peripheral noise while they got overly excited at the mixing boards in endless "Look at me!" moments.
Phoenix New Times  |  Niki D'Andrea  |  08-21-2007  |  Reviews

Golden Years?new

It is difficult to separate Holiday's art from the circumstances of her life, especially during the final decade, when the ravages of alcoholism and heroin seemed to seep through cracks that had developed in her voice.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Lee Hildebrand  |  03-29-2006  |  Reviews

Determination Powers Jazz Singer Ethel Ennisnew

Ethel Ennis' fame falls far short of that earned by fellow jazz singer Billie Holiday, but Ennis has had a much longer and more contented life than her contemporary. That's a trade-off she's glad to make.
Baltimore City Paper  |  Geoffrey Himes  |  08-24-2005  |  Profiles & Interviews

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