AltWeeklies Wire

'Death at a Funeral': Bury Your Deadnew

You'd have to be a shameless Anglophile to tolerate this sub-BBC twaddle.
New York Press  |  Armond White  |  08-23-2007  |  Reviews

'Death at a Funeral': Be Not Proudnew

Frank Oz's latest is only mildly funnier than an actual funeral.
OC Weekly  |  Luke Y. Thompson  |  08-21-2007  |  Reviews

'Death at a Funeral': Mourning Becomes Electivenew

Pure farce served straight up.
Austin Chronicle  |  Toddy Burton  |  08-17-2007  |  Reviews

'Death at a Funeral': Bury This!new

You won't die laughing at Frank Oz's funereal farce.
Los Angeles CityBeat  |  Andy Klein  |  08-17-2007  |  Reviews

'Death at a Funeral': Over the Top, Backwards

Director Frank Oz nearly redeems himself, after his disastrous Stepford Wives remake, with a British black comedy.
Maui Time  |  Cole Smithey  |  08-15-2007  |  Reviews

'Death at a Funeral': Over the Top, Backwards

Director Frank Oz nearly redeems himself after his disastrous Stepford Wives remake with a British black comedy.
Maui Time  |  Cole Smithey  |  06-11-2007  |  Reviews

"The Stepford Wives" Has Little Reason to Existnew

Never before has the transition from human to automaton been so unnoticeable.
Boston Phoenix  |  Peter Keough  |  06-10-2004  |  Reviews

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