AltWeeklies Wire

Zen and the Art of Guitar Feedback: A Quarter Century of Yo La Tengonew

Yo La Tengo's artistic philosophy becomes clearer in Ira Kaplan's Zen-like calm. During our conversation he is relaxed, measured, and thoughtful, and appears almost wholly uninterested in the theoretical -- and the business surrounding the band.
The Portland Mercury  |  Andrew R Tonry  |  10-16-2009  |  Profiles & Interviews

On Album 12, Yo La Tengo Again Turns Familiar Music Inside Outnew

For 25 years, Yo La Tengo has taken a contrarian approach to originality. Unafraid to evoke other artists, genres and time periods, the trio has dabbled in folk, pop, doo-wop, classic rock and the avant-garde.
INDY Week  |  Marc Masters  |  09-18-2009  |  Profiles & Interviews

'Popular Songs' Showcases Yo La Tengo as a Self-Assured and Versatile Bandnew

Yo La Tengo's latest album concludes with three endlessly mesmerizing jams that stretch across the album's final 37 minutes -- and it's some of the most beautiful, cogent music the band has made.
Tucson Weekly  |  Eric Swedlund  |  09-16-2009  |  Reviews

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