AltWeeklies Wire
Tapping the Right Mannew
Bush long ago abandoned the idea that intelligence should ever be permitted to curb his imperial hubris or political agenda -- thus the Hayden nomination makes perfect sense.
L.A. Alternative |
Robert Scheer |
05-16-2006 |
Borking John Robertsnew

The battering of this guy does nothing but cost Democrats and activist groups like precious credibility.
Seattle Weekly |
Geov Parrish |
09-07-2005 |
Top 10 Reasons to Care About the Supreme Court
If you're the not the kind of person who typically gets worked up over arcane matters of constitutional law, then you might need a rundown of why the Court matters. Here, in no particular order, are 10 reasons to pay attention.
Columbia Free Times |
Dan Cook |
08-19-2005 |
Bolton: Right Result, Wrong Reasonsnew

John Bolton is a national liability, and that -- not his record as an employer -- is why Republicans as well as Democrats should vote down his nomination to be ambassador to the United Nations.
Seattle Weekly |
Geov Parrish |
05-18-2005 |