AltWeeklies Wire
Jason Statham is Hollywood’s Last Action Hero Because of His B-movie Statusnew

Statham's not just the latest big-screen badass; he's come to stand for quality product.
New York Press |
Armond White |
08-29-2008 |
'Death Race' is a Shaky, Blurry, Messy, Stupid Borenew

Death Race is a movie aimed squarely at -- beyond the stated gender and age constraints -- idiots. By idiots, we refer specifically to adults who find WWF wrestling "compelling."
Santa Fe Reporter |
Emiliano Garcia-Sarnoff |
08-28-2008 |
'Death Race': Kill and Kill Againnew

All the busted heads and blasted gaskets can't turn this makeover of a cult classic into anything but a real drag.
Austin Chronicle |
Marc Savlov |
08-22-2008 |
Tags: Paul W.S. Anderson, Death Race