AltWeeklies Wire
Anatomy of a Facebook Uprisingnew

The Neighborhood Council motion that sparked citywide reaction.
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James Preston Allen |
09-10-2015 |
Don’t Kill the Messengernew

The USS Iowa, ILWU/TraPac Dispute and the Tale of Gary Webb.
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James Preston Allen and Publisher |
10-17-2014 |
First Amendment in Jeopardynew

Censorship of freedom at Los Angeles Superior Courts revealed.
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James Preston Allen |
07-25-2014 |
When the City Attorney Comes to Townnew

Feuer Announces Renewed Neighborhood Prosecutor Efforts
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James Preston Allen |
06-27-2014 |
At Length Endorsementsnew

LA County Sheriff: Olmsted Yes, Tanaka No
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James Preston Allen |
05-29-2014 |
Raining On The Ukrainian Paradenew
Hate to rain on anyone’s parade, but let’s get off this thing about poor picked on Ukraine standing up for freedom against the big evil Russians.
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Zamna Avila |
03-17-2014 |
Obamacare – Left, Right, Center

Another fine mess you've got us in.
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James Preston Allen |
11-06-2013 |
Big Bad Government vs. Tea Partynew

Catharsis at the crossroads of health care and the U.S. Constitution.
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James Preston Allen |
10-07-2013 |
Theft of the Courthouse: Where there's no justice, democracy failsnew
The U.S. Supreme Court continues to send down split decisions on our civil rights.
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James Preston Allen |
07-01-2013 |
Fear of a Black (& Brown & Yellow) Electoratenew

On June 25, the Supreme Court struck the biggest blow against civil rights since Plessy v. Ferguson in 1896, striking down a key section of the 1965 Voting Rights Act as unconstitutional.
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Paul Rosenberg |
07-01-2013 |
"M" Is For Mayornew
Are Carson, Calif. residents ready to turn away from patronage style politics?
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Terelle Jerricks |
03-01-2013 |
Art Snyder: A Genuinely Interesting Dudenew
Most people knew Art as the very white Los Angeles councilman in the heavily Latino northeastern district, who was elected sometime in the late ‘60s. So Art became the councilman representing El Sereno, Eagle Rock and Glassell Park, among others. He held the post for nearly two decades.
He was a red-headed Irishman who looked like the Marine he had been. But he was born in Lincoln Heights at the bottom of the Great Depression, so it was natural he learned to speak Spanish.
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Lionel Rolfe |
11-16-2012 |
A Historic Election Foretoldnew

In 2002, John Judis and Ruy Teixeira wrote a book, "The Emerging Democratic Majority," predicting the broad outlines of a demographic shift that would inexorably favor Democrats in the long run. On Election Day, Nov. 6, their prediction was confirmed.
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Paul Rosenberg |
11-16-2012 |
Obama on Leno Translated: Don't Let Them Steal Another Onenew
It was typical of Obama not to dwell on or dig deep into the dirty tricks being deployed by his political enemies. But it's not just him that's the target, it's millions of potential voters and American democracy itself that's at stake.
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Paul Rosenberg |
11-04-2012 |
The GOP’s Underground Election Strategynew

For years now, Republicans have been working themselves up into a frenzy over the prospect of systematic electoral fraud.
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Paul Rosenberg |
10-19-2012 |
Tags: Voter Fraud, Electoral Fraud