AltWeeklies Wire

The Ghost of Nixon Rising

The political agenda of the Neocons is neither new or conservative -- it is just a recycled version of the Old Con developed under the Nixon regime.
Random Lengths News  |  James Preston Allen  |  09-01-2006  |  Commentary

A TV Debate We’ll Never See

Even though the proposed debate between Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and President Bush will never happen, it's worth contemplating.
Random Lengths News  |  Norman Solomon  |  09-01-2006  |  Commentary

Tale of Two Tonys

It is curious that Blair decided to be a tourist this week in California as I am sure that more than the weather is heating up in London over the invasion of Lebanon and the growing lack of confidence in the PM’s continuing stand to support the Bush agenda in Iraq.
Random Lengths News  |  James Preston Allen  |  08-02-2006  |  Commentary

The Road Not Taken

Obsessed with invading Iraq, Bush ignored an Arab peace initiative in March 2002.
Random Lengths News  |  Paul Rosenberg  |  08-02-2006  |  Politics

Cheney Sued For Outing CIA Spy

This suit charges four violations of constitutional rights, claims injuries including "gross invasion of privacy" and much more.
Random Lengths News  |  Paul Rosenberg  |  07-19-2006  |  Crime & Justice

World War On My Mind

When I heard of the latest reports on attacks by Hizbullah from Lebanon on Israel, I immediately thought of the question: "And where were you when World War III started?"
Random Lengths News  |  James Preston Allen  |  07-19-2006  |  Commentary

GOP vs. Free Speech Online

After much prodding from below, Democrats come together to stop the corporate power-grab of the Internet and support Net Neutrality.
Random Lengths News  |  Paul Rosenberg  |  07-05-2006  |  Media

In Defense of Burning The Flag

This year, Congress attempted yet again to waste their time and our taxes on the debate over amending the US Constitution to prohibit burning the stars and stripes.
Random Lengths News  |  James Preston Allen  |  07-05-2006  |  Commentary

25 Reasons to Impeach Bush

Here are 25 reasons for holding Bush and Cheney accountable for what they've done in the past five years. Sometimes people just need to be reminded that one these are actions that rise to the constitutional threshold of "high crimes and misdemeanors." Some ask: "Are there really only 25 reasons to impeach?"
Random Lengths News  |  Paul Rosenberg  |  06-22-2006  |  Politics

A Big Problem for Hillary Clinton

Clinton is facing a serious problem of premature triangulation.
Random Lengths News  |  Norman Solomon  |  06-19-2006  |  Commentary

Beltway Jane Versus the Renegade

The campaign to oust Jane Harman from the 36th Congressional seat by Marcy Winograd was a campaign straight from the heart of California politics.
Random Lengths News  |  James Preston Allen  |  06-08-2006  |  Commentary

Convictions Barely Scratch Surface

Enron's Lay and Skilling face multi-decade sentences, but the biggest crimes and co-conspirators go unpunished.
Random Lengths News  |  Paul Rosenberg  |  06-08-2006  |  Crime & Justice

Unchecked Powers

The NSA spying is yet another incident where the Bush administration is working beyond the reach of law.
Random Lengths News  |  Paul Rosenberg  |  06-06-2006  |  Crime & Justice

The Urbanity of Evil

Tariq Aziz had good reason to fear for his life if he ran afoul of Saddam -- in contrast, many officials in Washington have gone along with lethal policies because of fear of losing power.
Random Lengths News  |  Norman Solomon  |  06-06-2006  |  Commentary

Advocacy Journalism

We're encouraged to see journalism as dispassionate -- but passive acceptance of murderous priorities in our midst is a form of de facto advocacy.
Random Lengths News  |  Norman Solomon  |  05-19-2006  |  Media

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