AltWeeklies Wire

Are Street Medics the Future of First Aid?new

Anarchistic, high-energy, and self-organized, street medics have been part of activist counterculture since the 1960s, and most recently, at Occupy encampments internationally.
Boston Phoenix  |  Liz Pelly  |  02-17-2012  |  #OCCUPY

Chomsky to Occupy: Move to the Next Stagenew

Noam Chomsky has advice for the Occupy movement, whose encampments all over the country are being swept away by police. The occupations were a "brilliant" idea, he says, but now it's time to "move on to the next stage" in tactics. He suggests political organizing in the neighborhoods.
Boston Phoenix  |  Lance Tapley  |  12-15-2011  |  #OCCUPY

Eviction Dispatch - Watching the #OccupyBoston Raid Unfoldnew

Nobody really believed that it was coming. Even though we all knew that it was, and even though there couldn't have been a better opportunity for authorities to gain pole position over vulnerable campers. And then it came.
Boston Phoenix  |  Chris Faraone  |  12-12-2011  |  #OCCUPY

After the Occupationnew

Does the Occupy Movement have a future after the occupations?

See also: Are cities trying to freeze the Occupy movement to death?
Boston Phoenix  |  Liz Pelly  |  11-16-2011  |  #OCCUPY

Up Close and Radicalnew

Inside the Occupy Boston media struggle.
Boston Phoenix  |  Chris Faraone  |  10-27-2011  |  #OCCUPY

The Anarchist's Playbooknew

Occupy Boston takes a page from the radical underground.
Boston Phoenix  |  Liz Pelly  |  10-17-2011  |  #OCCUPY

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