AltWeeklies Wire
Young and Homeless in New Orleansnew

As foster kids ‘age out’ of the system, many of them end up on the streets.
Gambit |
Della Hasselle and Alex Woodward |
12-11-2015 |
Tags: New Orleans
Housing Crisis Leaves Section 8 Renters on Outside Looking Innew

In Silicon Valley, 1,028 people have a rental subsidy in hand but no place to use it, leaving them in limbo, bunking with friends or family, ducking under tents and overpasses or languishing in shelters.
Metro Silicon Valley |
Jennifer Wadsworth |
09-24-2015 |
Housing First?new

Has Salt Lake City solved "the homeless problem"? No, despite a flurry of excited stories, it has not. But the Housing First model and the collaboration and commitment from local groups and the government on all levels in combination with Housing First are a huge step in the right direction that other cities can follow.
Eugene Weekly |
Camilla Mortensen |
08-20-2015 |
Coffee Cart Startup Creates Jobs for the Formerly Homelessnew

Kartma employs formerly homeless people and equip them with not only the skills to brew gourmet coffee but to staff, stock, market and otherwise run a small business.
Metro Silicon Valley |
Jennifer Wadsworth |
08-10-2015 |
A Long Way From Homenew

This winter was supposed to be different for D.C.'s homeless families. What went wrong?
Washington City Paper |
Aaron Wiener |
04-01-2015 |
The Survival Cyclenew

The complicated role Oregon's Lane County Jail plays in the lives of the unhoused and the mentally ill.
Eugene Weekly |
Ben Stone |
03-13-2015 |
Do You See This Man?new

With the recent focus on homelessness in Syracuse, some media organizations asked people what they thought of panhandlers. New Times reporter Michelle Malia van Dalen asked homeless people about their lives in Syracuse.
Syracuse New Times |
Michelle van Dalen |
01-12-2015 |
Good God: Churches and the Homelessnew

Local churches are the innovators in housing the homeless in Eugene Oregon, with reverends and pastors leading the way with microhousing.
Eugene Weekly |
Camilla Mortensen |
12-10-2014 |
Identification Issuesnew

How can we get the homeless off the streets if they don't have the identification needed to receive services?
Tucson Weekly |
Mari Herreras |
10-30-2014 |
Living on the Streets of Oaklandnew

The Great Recession may be over, but every night people are sleeping on benches or in makeshift shelters. Here are a few of their stories.
East Bay Express |
David Bacon |
08-08-2014 |
Houston's Hidden Homelessnew

They live under bridges, in the shadows, out of sight and mind. There are thousands of people without homes in the city of Houston, and not enough places to keep them safe.
Houston Press |
Angelica Leicht |
04-02-2014 |
No Place Like Homenew

D.C.'s population of homeless families exploded this winter. Why wasn't the city ready?
Washington City Paper |
Aaron Wiener |
03-17-2014 |
Tags: DC Homelessness, Homeless in DC

"It's amazing how quickly life can change" — The Louisville homeless share their stories of circumstances and bad decisions, of loss and love.
LEO Weekly |
April Corbin |
02-26-2014 |
What Does Homeless Look Like?new

I don't use drugs or alcohol. I don't rob, steal or cheat. I am not the beggar holding up homemade placards. I didn't live under the Davidson Street Bridge, but I, too, have been evicted.
NUVO Editors |
10-22-2013 |
Tags: employment, economics
Edmonton’s Hunger Pangsnew
Volunteers battle food inequality as tens of thousands lack fresh, nutritious food.
VUE Weekly |
Josh Marcellin |
10-15-2013 |