AltWeeklies Wire
Bio Hackersnew

A recent Kickstarter campaign to genetically engineer a glowing plant and distribute its seeds across the country has raised questions about the ethical responsibility of DIY scientists in the brave new world of synthetic biology.
East Bay Express |
Azeen Ghorayshi |
07-31-2013 |
The Bulimic Brainnew

Jacky Duong has been fighting the urge to throw up since she was fourteen, and recent research suggests the battle is largely with her brain.
East Bay Express |
Rachel Gross |
07-12-2011 |
Tags: Eating Disorders, Bulimia
A New Look At Recovered Memoriesnew

Meredith Maran came to realize that she had fabricated her "memory" of child abuse.
East Bay Express |
Judith Scherr |
11-29-2010 |
Confessions of a Pregnant Wine Writernew

Just how much wine can one safely consume during pregnancy? Depends on whom you ask.
East Bay Express |
Blair Campbell |
09-17-2010 |
Building a Better Hearing Aidnew
A California factory produces invisible device that could produce more natural hearing for people who attended too many rock concerts.
East Bay Express |
Susan Kuchinskas |
10-08-2008 |
Nuclear CSI: New Deterrence for a New Eranew
David Smith of Lawrence Livermore Lab is helping to develop means of tracing the location of stray nuclear materials.
East Bay Express |
Eliza Strickland |
03-05-2008 |
Resolution Guide: At the Core of it Allnew
A novice student of Pilates learns how little he knows.
East Bay Express |
R. Eric Clarke |
01-16-2008 |
Tags: Health & Science
Resolution Guide: The Cost of Purificationnew
Dr. Cory Reddish wants to help you detoxify.
East Bay Express |
Rachel Swan |
01-16-2008 |
Tags: Health & Science
The Structure Is the Messagenew
What if cancer is triggered by changes outside the cell?
East Bay Express |
Kara Platoni |
12-12-2007 |
Tags: Health & Science
Thinking Outside the Cellnew
For decades, the scientific establishment ignored Mina Bissell. Now her insights could revolutionize how cancer is understood and treated.
East Bay Express |
Kara Platoni |
12-12-2007 |
Tags: Health & Science
Love Isn't Enough to Heal Reactive Attachment Disordernew
Some traumatized orphans have brain damage that affection alone can't heal. So therapists are seeking new ways to simulate the nurturing they didn't get.
East Bay Express |
Susan Kuchinskas |
11-28-2007 |
Tags: Health & Science
Umbilical Cord Blood: A Cure for All That Ails You?new
Despite its healing powers, those who pay thousands to bank it for the future may be the least likely to benefit.
East Bay Express |
Kara Platoni |
08-22-2007 |
Tags: leukemia, Anthony Portantino, Bertram Lubin, blood banking, CBR Systems, Children’s Hospital Oakland Research Institute, CHORI, Cord blood, Cord Blood Registry, National Marrow Donor Program, neuroblastomabone marrow transplant, stem cells, StemCyte, thalassemia, umbilical cord blood, ViaCord, Health & Science
There's No Place Like Home?new
Not so fast, Dorothy! It looks as if Earth may not be so special after all.
East Bay Express |
Kara Platoni |
07-11-2007 |
Tags: Health & Science
Anybody Out There?new
Bay Area scientists scour Earth and skies for clues to an ultimate question. In Search of Life: First of a Two-Part Series.
East Bay Express |
Kara Platoni |
07-05-2007 |
Tags: Health & Science
Life After the Knifenew
Far from being a quick fix, weight-loss surgery is merely the start of an arduous physical and emotional journey.
East Bay Express |
Lauren Gard |
01-18-2007 |
Tags: Health & Science