AltWeeklies Wire

Stay Hungry, Live Longer: The Science Behind the Calorie Restriction Dietnew

A Southern Methodist University biologist thinks the secret to the fountain of youth may be found by putting fruit flies on a diet.
Dallas Observer  |  Elaine Liner  |  02-23-2009  |  Science

Texas Woman Fights Abuse at the State's Schools for the Mentally Retardednew

Her son was beaten up by an angry caregiver at Denton State School.
Dallas Observer  |  Jesse Hyde  |  08-05-2008  |  Science

Dallas Has a Real-Life 'House' in Dr. Richard Buchnew

Some call Dr. Buch a troubled genius. His ex-patients and hospital bosses call him trouble.
Dallas Observer  |  Glenna Whitley  |  04-14-2008  |  Science

Texas' Stem Cell Stance Could Have Economic Effectsnew

If Texas continues to essentially criminalize stem cell research, the state could lose out on billions of dollars and tens of thousands of jobs.
Dallas Observer  |  Jesse Hyde  |  04-24-2007  |  Science

Docs in a Boxnew

These medicos make house calls, even when there's no house to call.
Dallas Observer  |  Glenna Whitley  |  01-17-2007  |  Science

Out of Focusnew

A shift in AIDS funding from services to drugs threatens poor patients.
Dallas Observer  |  Jesse Hyde  |  08-22-2006  |  Science

Health Classnew

A unique program run by Central Dallas Ministries documents diabetes among the undocumented.
Dallas Observer  |  Jesse Hyde  |  04-10-2006  |  Science

Dr. Disasternew

Dr. Paul Pepe -- described by a colleague as "a trailblazer with a machete" -- brought his expertise in emergency-room care to the post-Katrina medical crisis in New Orleans.
Dallas Observer  |  Glenna Whitley  |  11-28-2005  |  Science

Hydroponically Grown Marijuana Is Dallas's Other Farmers' Marketnew

The cultivation and sale of high-grade marijuana seems to be driving a shadow economy that supports some Dallas musicians while they wait for the Big Break.
Dallas Observer  |  Anonymous  |  10-17-2005  |  Science

Texas Pro-Lifers Hope State Won't Back Stem Cell Researchnew

By many accounts, Dr. Yong J. Geng's stem cell treatment is one of the biggest medical breakthroughs of the decade. But his cutting-edge research might be shut down and shipped out of Texas.
Dallas Observer  |  Josh Harkinson  |  06-02-2005  |  Science

Generation RXnew

When 20-year-old Luke Stone died of an accidental drug overdose, his parents realized the landscape of substance abuse had changed. Young people today are adrift in a sea of psychotropic pharmacology.
Dallas Observer  |  Glenna Whitley  |  05-24-2005  |  Science

Woman Gets Slapped With Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy Labelnew

During a custody battle, Dr. Susan Diamond was labeled as having a psychiatric disorder in which a parent fabricates or aggravates a child's illness in order to get attention. But the diagnosis is a controversial one.
Dallas Observer  |  Glenna Whitley  |  03-08-2005  |  Science

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