AltWeeklies Wire

Electronic Voting Problems Not As Bad As They Saynew

For some reason, Republicans aren't worked up about Georgia's 2002 switch to electronic voting. Instead, it's left-leaning activists, in Georgia and across the country, who are howling loudest against the new balloting system.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Ken Edelstein  |  10-28-2004  |  Politics

Green Nominee Asks for Kerry Votenew

Because pollsters predict an overwhelming Bush victory in Georgia, Green Party nominee David Cobb hopes left-leaning voters will write in him and running mate Patricia LaMarche rather than vote for Democrats John Kerry and John Edwards.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Doug Monroe  |  10-28-2004  |  Politics

State Official May Have Used Public Post to Promote Private Businessnew

Critics contend Bruce Cook has blurred the line between public service and private commerce. Last week, he seemed oblivious to the implications of using his position as chairman of Georgia's Department of Human Resources to drum up business for his company's abstinence-education products.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Scott Henry  |  10-28-2004  |  Politics

Which Candidates Are the Best of the Bunch?new

This is the election year everybody got really pissed off. As emotional as we've all become, there's a better motive for casting a ballot than pure rage. We prefer to think of our upcoming gathering before the Diebold machines in Georgia's voting booths as a search for competence and integrity.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Creative Loafing News Staff  |  10-21-2004  |  Politics

Expect Redistricting Maps to Come Out if GOP Wins Big in Georgianew

If Republicans retain their grip on the state Senate and manage to eke out a narrow majority in the state House for the first time in 130 years, Georgia will see a slew of changes. Probably the most clandestinely discussed byproduct would be yet another round of reapportionment.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Scott Henry  |  10-14-2004  |  Politics

What if Everybody is Wrong About Dubya Winning Georgia?new

When you look at some of the numbers, it's understandable why politicos would assume Kerry can't win here. And it's not necessarily over for Kerry, but it does mean that the Kerry team might have missed a big opportunity to turn the tide in Georgia.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Michael Wall  |  10-07-2004  |  Politics

Could Zell Miller's Unbalanced Keynote Tirade Hurt the GOP?new

By the time of the Don Imus interview, Zell Miller already had learned that he and his wife, Shirley, were unceremoniously bumped from their enviable place on the stage during the president's speech — a move that seemed a clear acknowledgement that Bush's most ardent Democratic cheerleader had become an embarrassment.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Scott Henry  |  09-13-2004  |  Politics

Are the Strong Voter Registration Efforts in Georgia Enough?new

In the last presidential election, turnout in Georgia was pathetic. Only four out of 10 Georgians of voting age bothered to go to the polls. There are more than 3 million people in Georgia who could vote but don't -- and 1.8 million of them are not even registered.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Steve Fennessy  |  09-09-2004  |  Politics

Follow the Bouncing Zell: A Report on His Zig Zagsnew

One of Zell Miller's favorite lines is "To thine own self be true." Which, judging from the congressman's darting to and fro on every issue from the Civil Rights Movement to the Bush family, just goes to show he's every bit the ping-pong ball that Rudy Giuliani accuses John Kerry of being.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Scott Henry and Mara Shalhoup  |  09-02-2004  |  Politics

It's a New -- and Nasty -- Day on the Judicial Campaign Trailnew

A 2002 federal court decision has dramatically changed the nature of campaigning for Georgia's courts. Under the old rules of judicial conduct, candidates were prohibited from aggressive campaigning or personally soliciting money. Now, they're free to pound the pavement for cash, criticize each other in the press, and answer questionnaires about their judicial and political philosophies.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Ben Diamond  |  07-12-2004  |  Politics

Judge Is Accused of Threading Ethics Loopholenew

In a sign of just how aggressive the campaigning has become for Georgia's courts, a candidate for Fulton County Superior Court has accused one of his opponents -- Atlanta's former chief Municipal Court judge, no less -- of skirting the city's ethics laws in his bid for the bench.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Ben Diamond  |  07-08-2004  |  Politics

Can Johnny Isakson Out-Conservative the Conservatives?new

Widely regarded as the most reasonable, amiable and downright likable Republican lawmaker in Georgia during the long years in which Democrats ruled the political roost, Isakson has found that those qualities aren't exactly selling points among the post-Newt, ditto-headed, conservative hard-liners who control his party these days.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Scott Henry  |  06-24-2004  |  Politics

Formidable Field of Women Seek Congressional Seatnew

Cynthia McKinney, who wants to regain her seat in Congress, is a favored candidate among the five women and one man who will face off in the July 20 Democratic primary. Once regarded as a loose cannon, she's now seen as an outspoken advocate for the oppressed.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta)  |  Scott Henry  |  06-16-2004  |  Politics

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