AltWeeklies Wire
In Health Care Battle, Two Opposing Views of Sen. Max Baucus Emergenew
Is the Montana Democrat the sellout the left portrays, or the savvy centrist poised to finally reform American health care?
Missoula Independent |
Matthew Frank |
08-18-2009 |
Montana Ballot Initiative to Define Lifenew
A ballot initiative from ultra-conservative legislator Rick Jore's Montana Constitution Party which would define human embryos as "persons" and grant them a fundamental right to life, received preliminary approval from the Montana Attorney General's office Dec. 20, a critical step on its way to the November ballot.
Missoula Independent |
Patrick Duganz |
01-03-2008 |
Montana GOP Caucus Up for Grabsnew
As Republicans fill 2,739 seats for their upcoming state caucus, GOP presidential campaigns are scrambling to stack key caucus positions before the February 5th vote.
Missoula Independent |
Rob Harper |
01-03-2008 |
Reclaiming God, Guns and Gays in Montananew
Can a T-shirt dull the right's favorite wedge issue?
Missoula Independent |
John S. Adams |
07-19-2007 |
Meet Jerome Anderson, Montana's Most Infamous Corporate Lobbyistnew
For 60 years Anderson has worked the halls of the Capitol, peddling power and influencing some of the state's most important laws.
Missoula Independent |
John S. Adams |
04-19-2007 |
The Mad Emperornew
Can Congress block Bush's urge to surge?
Missoula Independent |
George Ochenski |
01-18-2007 |
The Walter Egonew
While Montana Gov. Brian Schweitzer rakes in national press, his brother Walter seems to be running the show -- nobody knows quite what he does or who pays him, but everyone knows that if they want something done, they've got to go through him.
Missoula Independent |
John S. Adams |
10-20-2006 |
Meet the Bloggersnew

Montana's online activists are changing the balance of power in Democratic politics -- would you let these men drive your campaign?
Missoula Independent |
John S. Adams |
08-31-2006 |
Why the Morrison Affair Mattersnew
While Montana's Abramoff-linked Sen. Conrad Burns is getting most of the corruption-related ink, Democratic challenger John Morrison is saddled with some ethical demons of his own.
Missoula Independent |
John S. Adams |
04-27-2006 |
Tags: 2006elect
Burns' Burdennew

The earliest midterm senate race in the country is already well underway in Montana -- is Conrad Burns' Abramoff baggage the Democrats' ticket to ride?
Missoula Independent |
John S. Adams |
03-23-2006 |
Tags: 2006elect
Racicot's Returnnew
Bush right-hand man and former Montana governor Marc Racicot tells an audience in Kalispell, Mont., that state and local resistance to the Patriot Act is based on “inaccurate and ill-informed information.”
Missoula Independent |
Mike Keefe-Feldman |
06-03-2005 |
DeLaying Judgmentnew
House Majority Leader Tom DeLay says the federal judiciary needs to be reined in. Montana District Judge Don Molloy isn't taking the bait.
Missoula Independent |
John S. Adams |
05-13-2005 |
Civil Liberties Advocates Make Strange Bedfellowsnew
An anti-Patriot Act resolution finds bipartisan support in Red State Montana.
Missoula Independent |
Mike Keefe-Feldman |
03-17-2005 |
Dept. of Misappropriationsnew
Montana Senator Conrad Burns' help granting $3 million to one of the country's richest tribes generates a call for investigation.
Missoula Independent |
Mike Keefe-Feldman |
03-10-2005 |
The X Factornew
Montana's House District 12 legislative race is officially tied at 1,559 votes apiece. How the state settles the tie will determine the balance of power in the Montana state house.
Missoula Independent |
Mike Keefe Feldman |
12-09-2004 |