AltWeeklies Wire

Edible Medical Cannabis Doesn’t Always Prove Potentnew

In the seven years since medical cannabis became legal in New Mexico, our test appears to be the first and only spot check to determine whether edibles sold to people suffering debilitating medical symptoms contain the amounts of THC claimed.
Santa Fe Reporter  |  Peter St. Cyr  |  06-04-2014  |  Drugs

Welcome to Madrid,

How many pot plants does it take to justify a war on drugs?
Santa Fe Reporter  |  Alexa Schirtzinger  |  02-24-2011  |  Drugs

New Mexico's Medical Cannabis Coordinator Quits, Questions Pot Producer's Practicesnew

New Mexico's Medical Cannabis Program coordinator has resigned and, due to budget constraints and a hiring freeze, the state Department of Health has not refilled the position yet. The vacancy is another hurdle for a program that some patients and advocates say has been too slow to achieve its statutory goal.
Santa Fe Reporter  |  Dave Maass  |  08-27-2009  |  Drugs

Cannabizness: New Mexico's Medical Marijuana Industry is About to Bloomnew

Want to break into the marijuana business? You too can learn how to grow it, cook it, distribute it and, best of all, it's 100 percent legal. If Canntechs were to advertise on late-night television, that might be the pitch.
Santa Fe Reporter  |  Dave Maass  |  07-24-2009  |  Drugs

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