AltWeeklies Wire

Cyclist: Take thy lane!new

Taking the lane is an important turning point for any commuter. But like most things, gaining the confidence to do so is a process.
NUVO  |  Katelyn Coyne  |  02-22-2013  |  Transportation

Adventures in Bicycle Maintenancenew

Katelyn works on her New Year's resolution to learn more about bicycle maintenance.
NUVO  |  Katelyn Coyne  |  01-11-2013  |  Transportation

Why Drinking and Biking Don't Mixnew

Imbibe, but don't ride.
NUVO  |  Katelyn Coyne  |  09-07-2012  |  Transportation

Girl, in Transit: Driving is not worth the stressnew

In this installment, Ashley actually drives a car, remembering just how stressful driving a car can be.
NUVO  |  Ashley Kimmel  |  04-26-2012  |  Transportation

Thumbs down: Suspicious flight patternnew

The abrupt departure of Indianapolis Airport Authority CEO John Clark follows questions about his spending habits - his second flight under such a cloud in as many jobs.
NUVO  |  NUVO Editors  |  03-31-2012  |  Transportation

Girl, in Transit: Super Bowl XLVInew

The first weekend of February will be a good glimpse into what the public transit system could ultimately look like for our city.
NUVO  |  Ashley Kimmel  |  01-26-2012  |  Transportation

Bike Lanes as Mass Transit Evolutionnew

The way to get us to want public transit is to make driving our own cars as big a hassle as possible.
NUVO  |  David Hoppe  |  12-13-2011  |  Transportation

Mass Transit Lobby Seeks Higher Powernew

Backers of a proposed $2.5 billion mass transit plan are looking for help from on high — or at least local churches — as they mobilize ahead of the 2012 Indiana General Assembly.
NUVO  |  Robert Annis  |  11-17-2011  |  Transportation

Bicycle Network Expandsnew

Huge strides have been made on bike lanes in Indianapolis, and it's about time we took notice.
NUVO  |  Robert Annis  |  11-03-2011  |  Transportation

It's Time for High-speed Railnew

No, it's past time, but still ...
NUVO  |  David Hoppe  |  07-12-2007  |  Transportation

IndyGo Tries to Keep Upnew

Indianapolis' mass transit is at a crossroads.
NUVO  |  Michael Dabney  |  07-13-2006  |  Transportation

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