AltWeeklies Wire

This ‘Mississippi’ or That One?new

Education, health, you name it. People will shrug and say, "This is Mississippi," expecting it to be the last in everything good and first at all things bad.
Jackson Free Press  |  Brian Gordon  |  08-07-2015  |  Culture

What Is Courageous?new

Last week saw much debate over what is courageous or heroic in terms of who deserves an award. The argument started when ESPN announced that Caitlyn Jenner would receive this year's Arthur Ashe Courage Award at the ESPY Awards later this summer.
Jackson Free Press  |  Bryan Flynn  |  06-11-2015  |  Culture

Naked is Sexynew

Mea Ashley, who was Miss Jackson State University 2011-2012, created the "Naked is Sexy" movement after watching a Dove commercial, which challenged young high-school girls and their mothers to redefine what beauty is in today's society.
Jackson Free Press  |  Bria Paige  |  07-17-2014  |  Culture

Love, Anywaynew

No, not all men abuse or hurt, but collectively we have condoned a society that excuses it too often when they do.
Jackson Free Press  |  Donna Ladd  |  06-13-2014  |  Culture

Kwanzaa, Explainednew

Even though it's right smack in the middle of a thousand different religious celebrations, Kwanzaa is not a religious holiday.
Jackson Free Press  |  Amber Helsel  |  12-12-2013  |  Culture

How Will You Celebrate Halloween?new

One fun aspect of Halloween each year is predicting which topical costumes you'll see all over the place.
Jackson Free Press  |  JFP Staff  |  10-24-2013  |  Culture

Día de los Muertosnew

Mesoamericans celebrate the dead the first two days of November.
Jackson Free Press  |  Justin Hosemann  |  10-24-2013  |  Culture

Notes from the Fishbowlnew

When I moved to Mississippi in 1997, a friend from D.C. asked me if Mississippians were really as racist as she'd heard. I gave it some thought, and my conclusion seems as salient today as it was 16 years ago. Racism, I told her, may not be more prevalent here than in the nation's capital, but it's covert.
Jackson Free Press  |  Ronni Mott  |  06-13-2013  |  Culture

Redefining Successnew

What makes on person successful when a person of similar intelligence, experience and means is not?
Jackson Free Press  |  Kathleen M. Mitchell  |  05-30-2013  |  Culture

My Mother, the American Dreamnew

My mother and her family left Lithuania during the last year of World War II. Small but feisty, she carried her potty as the family wound their way through the country into Poland and on to Germany until arriving in a displaced person camp, where she lived until immigrating to the United States in 1950.
Jackson Free Press  |  Deirdre Danahar  |  05-10-2013  |  Culture

The Death of a Criticnew

Legendary film critic Roger Ebert passed away last Thursday at age 70 after battling cancer.
Jackson Free Press  |  Anita Modak-Truran  |  04-11-2013  |  Culture

What's in a Name?new

One of the most interesting things about Irish culture is the unique names--and pronunciation of those names--that have resulted from the linguistic shift from old Irish to modern English.
Jackson Free Press  |  Kathleen M. Mitchell  |  03-15-2013  |  Culture

Happy Feetnew

Irish Ceili dancing has a rich history as a dance form that connects people across the globe.
Jackson Free Press  |  Trip Burns  |  03-14-2013  |  Culture

A Trip on the Mississippi Blues Trailnew

Geographic routes of discovery on the Mississippi Blues Trail are as varied and plentiful as the paths weaving through the history of the music itself—music that began as spirituals, work songs and simple narrative ballads in African American communities in the South.
Jackson Free Press  |  Julian Rankin  |  03-04-2013  |  Culture

Amazing Teens: Students Making a Differencenew

If there is anything that is too often overlooked, it's just how many amazing young people there are in our communities.
Jackson Free Press  |  JFP Staff  |  04-26-2012  |  Culture

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