AltWeeklies Wire
From Chile, a Toast 'A La Vida'new
"A la vida," says my small circle of friends, raising our cups of wine and pausing. The window behind me frames the jagged drop of one of the famous hills of Valparaíso, Chile, congested with vertically stacked tin houses and a fairy-tale web of streetlights.
Kristin Goss On Gun Control & Massacresnew
The author of Disarmed: The Missing Movement for Gun Control in America speaks about the issue of gun control in light of the mass shootings at Virginia Tech.
Tags: disasters
Katrina by the Numbersnew
We excerpt from the most comprehensive study of the Gulf Coast after hurricanes Katrina and Rita last year, produced by the Institute for Southern Studies in Durham.
Are We Next?new

The devastation of Hurricane Katrina was an indelible sign of things to come -- so why are we looking the other way?
Going South to Save Companion Animalsnew

Our president and most media reports say life is improving along Mississippi's Gulf Coast since Katrina struck. They should ask the people who have to live there. An animal rescue mission reveals the human chaos still churning in the hurricane zone.
Tags: FEMA, katrina hurricane
The Disaster That Shouldn't Have Been
Warnings about problems at FEMA were sounded soon after Bush put a political appointee in charge of the agency.