AltWeeklies Wire

Stick to the Originalnew

If you're looking for a fun single-player D&D game with a solid storyline and wide-ranging side missions, Neverwinter Nights 2 may be for you.
Dig Boston  |  Adam Diamond  |  12-13-2006  |  Video Games

An Overly Meddlesome Papacynew

Medieval II: Total War is undeniably addictive.
Dig Boston  |  Seth Mcm. Donlin  |  12-06-2006  |  Video Games

Mediocrity Is Not Compellingnew

After playing Family Guy for longer than I would have liked, I can tell you honestly: Don't bother. Take that $30 and put it toward a Family Guy box set -- at least that should be good for a laugh.
Dig Boston  |  Adam Diamond  |  11-29-2006  |  Video Games

Two Words: Anal.

If you were a fan of the first game, if you're looking for a new action-adventure title to waste all your free time on, or if you're just a sucker for campy, pop-culture humor, you can't go wrong with Destroy All Humans! 2.
Dig Boston  |  Seth Mcm. Donlin  |  11-22-2006  |  Video Games

Party Like It's 1945new

Company of Heroes is a real win -- despite its handful of curious flaws, any fans of the RTS genre should definitely put it on their list of titles to pick up next time they've got a few extra bucks.
Dig Boston  |  Seth Mcm. Donlin  |  10-18-2006  |  Video Games

When In Romenew

It's doubtful that anyone has been waiting breathlessly for Glory of the Roman Empire to hit the shelves -- which is actually kind of sad, because it's a pretty cool game.
Dig Boston  |  Adam Diamond  |  07-05-2006  |  Video Games

Splitting the Differencenew

Hitman: Blood Money will be instantly recognizable to fans of the series, but will still afford new improvements for gamers.
Dig Boston  |  Seth McM. Donlin  |  06-21-2006  |  Video Games

This Game Sucksnew

Don't rent this game, don't buy it -- don't even look at it in the store.
Dig Boston  |  Adam Diamond  |  06-14-2006  |  Video Games

No Hookers Herenew

Don't let the fact that Rockstar Games' Table Tennis lacks many of the features typical of sports titles turn you off -- it turns out to be one hell of a game.
Dig Boston  |  Seth MCM. Donlin  |  06-07-2006  |  Video Games


PQ: Practical Intelligence Quotient is tailor-made for those who still crave the iffy validation that only an intelligence test can provide.
Dig Boston  |  Adam Diamond  |  05-31-2006  |  Video Games

'Pong' 40new

With Top Spin 2, you get the real bang for your buck as you work to get the hang of beating your opponent.
Dig Boston  |  Adam Diamond  |  05-10-2006  |  Video Games

Redneck Heavennew

This week's new releases include titles about bowling, drag racing and Wild West freaks -- beer gut not included.
Dig Boston  |  Seth McM. Donlin  |  04-27-2006  |  Video Games

Addictive Gameplaynew

It was with great anticipation that Xbox geeks awaited Major League Baseball 2K6, and the wait proved worthwhile.
Dig Boston  |  Adam Diamond  |  04-27-2006  |  Video Games


Full Spectrum Warrior: Ten Hammers, is guaranteed to keep some geeks up past their bedtime.
Dig Boston  |  Seth McM. Donlin  |  04-19-2006  |  Video Games

Giant Leap Forward for RPG Fansnew

Run, don't walk, to your favorite gaming store for a copy of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.
Dig Boston  |  Adam Diamond  |  04-12-2006  |  Video Games

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