AltWeeklies Wire
Play It, Sisternew
Even girls like to blow things up real good -- in videogames, that is.
Dallas Observer |
Andrea Grimes |
05-01-2006 |
Video Games
Tags: video games
Video-Game Champ Makes His Living Playingnew
Surprising for someone who's played video games as much as 12 hours a day since he was 4, world video-game champ Matt Leto is not a nerd; he's a well-spoken athlete. Major League Gaming signed Leto, known as Zyos, to play Halo professionally in 2003.
Dallas Observer |
Paul Kix |
01-10-2005 |
Video Games
Tags: Halo 2 Xbox
A graduate program at Southern Methodist University teaches students how to develop video games.
Dallas Observer |
Paul Kix |
11-29-2004 |
Video Games
Tags: video games